Monday, August 17, 2009


When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers— the moon and the stars you set in place— what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Psalm 8:3-4

Have you been outside at night lately? Have you looked up? The stars are amazing! I was outside with my dog the other night and between rain storms, we had some clear sky. I looked up and was overwhelmed by the number of stars over my head. As I watched, shooting stars, or meteors, dashed across the sky. I remembered that this is the time of year for the meteor showers.

I remember as a young girl, I was probably six, my grandma was visiting and she told me to wish on the first star I light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight. So, I wished for a horse. I was six afterall, what else would I want??? The next morning I got up, and looked out the window, and couldn't believe my eyes. There were two horsed in our yard! I had only asked for one!!! I don't remember exactly how the story went, but someone's horses got lose who lived a ways from us, and they ended up at our house. Do I believe in wishing on a star? No, I believe in prayer, not wishes. Do I believe God heard that fun wish and brought some horses to a yard to brighten one little girl's day? Yes. After getting to ride one of the horses, I had to give them back, but to this day I very much remember that time.

I think of a time about ten years ago when my husband had a kidney stone. I know it was this time of year because The Festival was going on. Our old house was a block from the field so whether we liked it or not, we got to listen to every musical group, every night. I remember that night went particularly long, but I don't remember who it was that was singing. We would often go sit in our backyard on the deck and enjoy the music, looking up at the stars while listening. This particular night was full of shooting stars. Later that night, I remember it was about 3 am, my husband was in some pretty intense pain. One other time, we had gone for a drive and knocked the stones lose, so we decided to give it a try on this night as well. If you live in Bonner County, you understand how the bumpy roads could dislodge a kidney stone! I knew the sky was zipping with beautiful stars so we headed out by my parents place in the country where it was darker. I watched beautiful displays of shooting stars as we drove out of town. We got about a mile from my parents home, and were struck with awe and amazement. The sky above us was dancing. We stopped the car and got out, and a canopy of white cascaded down from the sky to nearly the ground. Not only were there shooting stars everywhere, but the northern lights were phenomenal. I remember just standing there, speechless, in the middle of this canopy. To this day, words cannot capture that amazing moment, but I remember how beautiful it was, and knowing that God had provided us with an extreme gift. We stood there under the canopy of white until it dissipated. We drove to the end of the road, and enjoyed more beautiful northern lights as they danced across the sky, this time in color. It was an evening that neither one of us will ever forget. Yes, the stone passed after we got home, as well.

Take some time to enjoy God's beauty in the night sky. If you live in town, take a drive to the country and look up!! It's well worth it!

He counts the stars and calls them all by name. How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension! Psalm 147:4-5

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