Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Uninvited Guests

Because of the rain we had, I hadn't been in my garden for a couple days. I went out to pick some basil two nights ago to put in the vegetable mixture I was making, and it looked like it had been hit with frost, as the top was all black. My eyes popped out for a moment, and I knew it had hit 41 one night, but didn't think it went below that. Upon further examination, I saw it wasn't frost! I have decided that the seven plagues have hit my yard and garden! I have aphids, leaf rollers, leaf hoppers, earwigs, grasshoppers, slugs, and locusts all munching away at my garden. It's especially tough, because I try my best to have an organic garden, so I have to blast those nasty little pests with soap water. Lately, it's just been a temporary fix, killing what's there but getting a re-infestation within a few days. I did not invite them to share in my harvest, and it's been a battle all season with these pests to see which one of us gets to the ripe vegetables or fruit first! My basil, and the kale that was beautiful that sits right next to it, were COVERED in aphids. These nasty critters had not been there before the rains, but in two days, they had covered my food. I must say after this year of gardening, I am about to give up and just go to the farmer's market and purchase everything! They can deal with the bug problems and I can come purchase it and enjoy a hassle free meal!!! I heard one of the guys at the farmer's market, who owns very large gardens, say how he's having a lot of issues, as well, and that bugs have destroyed his garlic and how he is in continual battle like never before with bugs. What destroys garlic?? He said he had to really research what types of bugs they were on his garlic because he has never seen them before. Everyone I have talked to this year with gardens is having the same problems, bugs like they've never had before, which is why I am calling them the plagues. I think there may actually be something behind that, but guess we will see. So, I harvest what I can before the bugs eat it. This week we have enjoyed some tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, carrots (shhh, don't tell my dog or she will be eating them), beets, beans, and other herbs. I love fresh tomatoes! Nothing beats the taste of a home grown tomato! Well, speaking of the garden, it's calling my name to come see what new adventures lay ahead this morning, so better get out there. Watch out bugs, because I'm ready for you today!

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