Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Prayers for Ali

This is Ali. She lives in Texas. I went to school with both of her parents, and graduated with her dad. Her mom was a year behind us. When my hubby and I were newly married, we were in a Bible study group with them for a year or two.

Usually on the weekends, I don't check email or facebook very often, but for some reason, I was prompted to check it on Saturday afternoon. I now know why. On Saturday morning, life was good for Ali. Things changed. I checked my facebook 2 minutes after this was posted: pray-Ali is on starflight. She is messed up bad. Colt kicked her in head with two hooves...Sat at 12:53pm
My hubby and I started praying, sent out texts and emails asking friends and family to pray. The mom of Ali had numerous responses to her post that many around the country were praying, and getting the word out for prayer, and many friends had posted Ali's updates for prayers on their facebook status. My friend over at
Aspire To Lead a Quiet Life, got the email and she sent it out to people all around the world. It was amazing to see the amount of prayers that went up for this girl in such a short period of time!

The day continued:

Ali on life suppprt non respponsive Sat at 3:56pm

Ali still on life support-has woken up for few seconds-pray life for her Sat at 5:13pm

Ali skull is fractured. She is still on life support. They will take her off when she wakes up-no one knows why she is not waking up Sat at 9:44pm

Ali was taken off life support. She is breathing on own. Her head has fractures and she may need brain surgery in a.m. She appears to be getting better-thank you Jesus our Shephard Sat at 11:25pm

Ali is stable. She had ct-waiting on results now. She opens her eyes for pain but will not talk or stay awake. She can shake head and seems coherent-thank you all dear friends keep praying --she needs to turn this corner Sunday at 4:20am

Ali is doing well considering her brain swelling. Her skull is crushed. She responds to pain but will not wake up but she did smile at me ~~tears~~Sunday at 7:09am

Ali is waking on her own but we still cannot wake her-she stirs and opens eyes for a second. She says she is not in pain. we are happy she is not having brain surgery! Thank you Jesus Sunday at 3:13pm

Ali is awake eating jello Sunday at 5:19pm

Pray for Ali to settle down. She is very restless and confused. She is on no meds ty Sunday at 7:37pm

Ali had good night. We all finally slept. Her sister saved the day by sleeping in her bed with her and kept her from pulling all her equipment off so thankful for Kaila and all my friends and family. Be blessed today. We are gonna see if Ali can get out of bed today-big step Monday at 8 am

Ali said full sentence sat up so cool Monday at 11:30 am

Ali condition has improved to critical Monday at 6:30 pm

Ali had good day, she was not awake as much as yesterday but they say that is normal and tomorrow should be better. She was appropriate the drs call it to all the questions and responses, she is doing amazing. Great to have her off life support and all those tubes out of her. She has no memory of the life flight or of the horse kicking her. She seems to be recovering nicely, she says she is in no pain Monday at 9:30 pm

Things to pray for: that she can get her neck brace off tomorrow, that the mri shows her spine has no damage, that her new ct shows her skull fracture is healing correctly, that she gets hungry and will eat and drink, that is is more compliant, and that her cough goes away. She needs to want to be awake..thank you wonderful friends for your prayers-keep em up it is working..we can all get through, I feel strength from you Monday at 10:30 pm

If you can read that and believe that there isn't a God who hears us and answers prayers, I don't think anything would convince you!! Ali's prognosis was bleak when she arrived at the hospital, and throughout the night. Brain surgery was a sure thing, then suddenly it wasn't! I know I did not sleep on Saturday night, and checked for updates often. I spent much time in prayer in those sleepless hours. Prayers went up around the globe for this girl, most whom have never met her or her family. God heard the prayers, and started to heal this girl. Yes, she and her family still need prayers, but what God has already done is amazing. If you know anything about head injuries, she is way ahead of the curve in healing. The faith in her mom as I've kept updated is amazing. The amount of believers who have stood together and prayed is faith at it's best.

Please continue to hold Ali up in your prayers for a full recovery. Please pray for her mom, dad, and family as well as it's been a long few days for them.

Thank you God, for your faithfulness and healing! Thank you for hearing the prayers of those who cried out to you for Ali's life to be spared.


  1. Oh friend, still praying! More are joining our hands and hearts in prayer. Thank you, LLLH, for keeping us updated.

  2. Over here from Aspire to Lead a Quiet Life. I've been praying...isn't God just SOMEthing??

    Thanks for the update,

  3. Came over from Aspire to Lead a Quiet Life. I prayed, too.

  4. I will be praying for Ali and her family. I know that God is an awesome God. And the prayers of the faithful is powerful. Our friend had a head injury also, and I called my sisters to pray for him. God has restored him to good health. Doctor's said he will not be well. There is nothing impossible for Christ.

  5. Dear Father God,

    I once again lift Ali up to You. I lift up her mom, her dad and her sister. I lift up those who care for her and love her. I lift up those working on her. Send Your Holy Spirit to guide each hand, to comfort each heart and to bring healing. You know what is best. You are life and You hold the keys to the grave. We ask for Life, if it is Your will for Ali. Thank you that You care about the very details of our lives. We praise You in this time.


  6. Praying for Ali's complete recovery, in Jesus' name.
