Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Time to Unwind and Relax

Even though we have a huge list of things to do before winter arrives, my hubby and I took some time over the weekend to head to the lake for an afternoon. It was a wonderful time of relaxing, and letting all the pressures and problems of life just stay up on the shore!

We were extra blessed in getting to see three mountain goats...mom, this year's kid, and a yearling. It was fun to watch them and to marvel at the straight up and down hillsides that they can stand on. Our dog wasn't quite sure what to think of them, so she just stood really close to me, and watched intently, while I snapped pictures from the front of the boat.

We also had some very friendly, too friendly to be exact, ducks want to come in the boat with us. Now, the fun is when you have a golden retriever and five overly friendly mallards trying to get in your boat! They were finally content to just swim next to us, which our dog didn't seem to mind. She just didn't want them in the boat with us!

We pulled in to shore a couple times, and skipped rocks and explored some camp sites. The dog went for a swim each time, so we got quite wet as well after getting back in the boat.

It was a great way to spend the afternoon, and I hope we can get another day in before we have to put the boat away for the upcoming season.


  1. I think #1 on your list of things to do before winter should be: "spend as much time outside before it's too late". :)

    Amazing pictures of the Mountain Goats. I'm jealous. I've yet to see any. :(

  2. Is that duck shot with your new lens? All the photos look great. That kid must be really thirsty--and that ma really talented with balancing! ;-)


  3. No, the duck is with the regular lens. If not for the dog, could have taken a picture with it on my lap probably! ha
