Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Health Soapbox

I read an article last night that still has me upset this morning. The government is now recommending the woman do not need mammograms or an MRI for breast cancer exams, until age 50, and that "the task force recommends against instructing women how to do self-exams." What??? This same group also says "cancer is rare in younger women." Really, because I have three cousins who were diagnosed with breast cancer in their early 30's, and one friend who got breast cancer in her 20's and died from the disease in her early 30's. I know of several other woman who have breast cancer in their 30's. Am I a proponent of radiation being put in your body, no! However, MRI's supposedly don't put radiation in our bodies, and more than any of that, WHAT IS WRONG WITH SELF EXAMS? On the other hand, this same government is the same one filling the shelves of grocery stores with genetically modified foods, filled with hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners which all are detrimental to our health. The government pushes foods that give us cancer but don't want us to be screened for cancer. The food that the FDA approves is not the pure, organic food that was made as God intended food to be. I have been saying for the past couple years that our government is trying to kill us off. I stand beside that comment. I am not trying to be an extremist, but how can a government tell woman not to do self breast exams?? How can they say to not get checked for cancer, whether it be through MRI or mammogram? WE need to be in charge of our health! The government is obviously trying to take that away, through the foods that contaminate our stores, the prescription drugs that have been made for everything, and through their 'health care' plan. Yes, I know that some prescription drugs are needed and help people and I am not against that. I am against the 'take a pill for everything, and here's another pill to take to counteract the pill you are taking' mentality. All you have to do is watch commercials to see the evidence of pill pushing. We as American people need to stand up and say enough is enough and be in charge of our own health and the decisions made. We need to tell the government that we are in charge of the decisions we make for our bodies, not them. We need to eat better as well, and think of the ingredients we are putting in our body. Stand up for your health, and do it now!

Thankful list today:

I am thankful that three years ago I started to understand the dangers of genetically modified foods, high fructose corn syrups, and artificial sweeteners and have taken them out of my diet, and now eat whole foods, and organic whenever I can, food the way God created it be! I feel much better eating this way, and as a benefit, have lost 65 pounds.

For my friend over at Simple Raw Health who has helped me along the way, although I am not a raw foodist like she is, I love her ideas and her advice, and she has taught me a lot.

For my medical doctor and my naturalpath, who both have taught me a lot about eating healthy and the dangers in our foods.

For Pilgrim's Market, Fred Meyer, and Huckleberries Market, where I buy whole foods.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't surprise me one bit. Saddens me, yes, but doesn't surprise me.

    I had a conversation with a friend recently about the link between breast cancer and vaccinations. She found lump early on and her naturalpath was able to help with that because of early detection.
