Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Peace-Filled Drive

Today I am thankful that my computer is finally working, again. I got up to a computer that was not working correctly, so I went off to my appointment, then went for a drive. Most of the area was socked in with fog, but our area, and an area lake were not, so I decided to take in the sunshine, and runaway to do for a bit from the Thanksgiving prep and house cleaning that I need to finish . I'm glad I did. The temperature hit 50 while I was at the lake. Like I have stated before, I relax at the lake and seem to forget about all the stuff going on in life while I take in the beauty of the water, the wildlife, and all God's creation, along with the quiet. Today's drive reminded me to be thankful for the little things, and to see beauty in all things. I was reminded that God is in the small stuff, as well as the big stuff going on in my life, and the lives of those I care about, and that He never leaves our sides. I was reminded how I need those quiet times, as well.

I had my faithful companion, my dog, with me, and she enjoyed the drive as much as I did.

I am thankful for the pocket of sunshine, amidst the fog today. I am thankful for the quiet time I had at the lake. I am thankful for the beauty in all I saw. I am thankful I have a car to take on a drive. I am thankful for times to rejuvenate my soul. I am thankful for the ducks and geese I saw. I am thankful for the houseful of company we are going to have tomorrow.

I thought these turkeys were pretty brave to be running around in the open the day before Thanksgiving! There was a total of 16 in this bunch.

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