Saturday, November 14, 2009


Yesterday brought a nice lunch with my husband at the Coeur d'Alene Resort. It's rare that he is in the area for the day, but he was part of yesterday, so we met to enjoy a meal together. As we were eating, an eagle flew right by the windows and we watched his grace and beauty as he went along down the lake. After lunch, my hubby went back to work, and I went for a drive down Coeur d'Alene Lake Drive to see if I could spot some eagles, since I know they start to come back this time of year. I was fortunate to see seven eagles, numerous loons, and a few western grebes. The snow started to lightly fall as I was watching the eagles glide above the lake. I must admit, I am still like a little kid with the first snow fall. Yesterday, as much as I'm not ready for winter to begin, I felt this excitement inside as I watched large flakes drift down from the sky. The large flakes started to come down heavier, and the wind picked up and it was suddenly like a mini blizzard outside, but it was so pretty. I felt like I was inside a snow globe, minus the turning upside down, and the water. We have about an inch snow on the ground, and it is pretty out. The trees are flocked with snow, the fence posts all have little caps, and everything looks clean and bright. Right now, the sun is breaking through the clouds, and everything is sparkling like little diamonds and it's very pretty.

Thankful list:
First snow and feeling like a kid again
Getting to see the loons, eagles, and grebes yesterday, as I sat in the silence on the shoreline
The gift of sight
Fresh starts
My camera, which helps me capture the beauty I am surrounded by each day

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