Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Great Christmas Tree 2009

Once again, we have a large tree. Yes, 14 ft. tall to be exact. My hubby had to cut a good foot from the top AFTER it was in the house and in the stand. Yes, he left a large green streak across the living room ceiling as he put the tree up. There are 1200 lights on that tree! We could not put the beautiful blue ribbon garland on the tree, as it would have only covered the bottom quarter of the tree. So, it's loaded with our ornaments, which are full of memories, as they have been given to us by loved ones. My parents and grandparents gave us ornaments every year as we grew up, so we had a lot of ornaments when we left home to start our own homes. The tradition continues within family members so we do not have a shortage of ornaments around here, which is why my hubby thinks we always need a gigantic tree.

Our tree gathering involved us, my sister and her family, my cousin, and my parents. We all found our trees that day, enjoyed walking through the woods, and of course, playing in the snow. A number of snowball fights broke out throughout the afternoon. There wasn't much snow on the ground, but it was enough for making a mini snowman, snow angels, and snowballs. We had a great day and enjoyed a lot of laughs.

Guess who is about to get this snowball, even though she's holding an expensive camera?? Six year olds don't seem to care when it comes to pelting an aunt with a snow ball. haha

Making a snow angel


  1. Love the photos dear friend! Those girl smiles are so wonderful.


  2. Love the pictures! I even read the blogs LOL. Dad & I think the last photo would make a great Christmas card (night time pic).
