Thursday, February 25, 2010


It's been one of those weeks. Sleep deprivation has ruled in our home, between the Olympics, and my hubby having a kidney stone. Friday night we had a birthday celebration for my hubby, and my family was here. Shortly after they left, he was holding his back and saying he didn't feel well. We both knew what it was and started to pray for fast exit of that stone. Saturday was a beautiful day. Hubby had some pain, but not bad. We headed out to go for a drive, which was interrupted by severe pain, and one very pale husband. We went to ER, where we spent almost four hours of quality time. haha He told them when he walked in that it was a kidney stone, but the ER doc did not think my hubby knew what he was talking about, even though he has had dozens of stones over the years. The main reason for the ER visit was to see if the stone was stuck, or if it could be passed. For some reason, they did a CT scan, instead of a simple, much cheaper x-ray. They also ran numerous other tests. I understand they have to cover all bases, but why not check for the stone first, and if that doesn't show up, then do the other tests? The doc came back, and guess what, it was a kidney stone! It was pretty good sized, but they believed it would be able to pass. "Thanks for coming, here's your bill, if the problem gets worse, come back," and we were on our way home. Second night in a row where hubby was up most of the night, followed by a third and a fourth! The stone FINALLY passed on Tuesday afternoon! It was a stubborn one! Thankfully, we have had two nights with some sleep.

Life can throw all kinds of things our way, especially when we least expect them. How we handle those challenges is what matters. Do we hide and not let anyone in, or do we share with some friends the struggles we are having, so they can step alongside us, support us, and pray for us? Do we keep things to ourselves, thinking we don't want to bother others with our problems, or do we have the courage to ask for help, to tell someone we trust that life is tough right now, and we just need to talk or to just sit with them and know someone cares? Relationships with others are important. God didn't put us on earth to face things alone. If He did, He would not have created Eve. He looked at Adam and said it is not good for him to be alone, so he created a helpmate for him, someone to walk through life, side by side. It may be a spouse, a family member, a friend, but we all need someone to be by our side, through the times of celebration and happiness, and through the tough times, the sad times, the difficulties.

I am thankful for friends, family, and a husband to walk through this life with, each with their own role to play in my life, and I in their's. I am thankful for a God who loves me as well, who never leaves me to try to do life alone.

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