Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Uniquely You

God made you....unique. But knowing what He gave you is not enough. You need to understand why He gave it: so you could illustrate Christ. Make a big deal out of Him. Beautify His face, adorn His image...color Christ with the crayons God gave you. ~Max Lucado

We are all given gifts, talents, abilities unique to us. We were given them for a reason. We are to use them, to share them with others, and to make a difference in our part of the world. There are many gifts: listening to others; caring for those who need some help; musical talents; giving in so many ways; reaching out to the hurting; bringing others in your home and caring about them; speaking; gifts of the arts; teaching; showing love to others, no matter what their situation is; being available; being a mentor to someone, whether a kid or an adult; writing; cooking; sharing food with others who may not have as much. The list could go on and on, but you get the idea. What can you add to that list? What can you make a change in the world with, by using your unique gifts? You were made unique. You were given gifts unique to you. Share those gifts with those around you. Share them with those out of your circle of influence. Be a change the world can see by using your precious gifts.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Only You

We live in a busy world that tries to pull us in so many directions. Sometimes, we even get overwhelmed with busyness when we are helping others. This song helps me to get my attention back to where it needs to be, on the One it needs to be on. The busyness stops, if even for just a few moments, and I focus. I remember. I say thank you. I sit in the presence of the One who loved me so much, He died for me. I hope your busyness can stop for awhile, as well.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Still Here

I have not fallen off the blog world. Between being busy, nice weather, and a computer that is getting worse, I just haven't been on the computer. The last time I was on was Monday, and the computer started chugging and sputtering, and freezing up everything I was trying to work in, showing me error reports. Needless to say, I was sputtering as well. We have a tax return on it's way, but buying a new computer was not part of the plan! It may just need a new hard drive, but I think it has more issues than just something that simple. We will take it in to a shop here soon to get it checked and the damage assessed.

It seems that things are having a competition in our home, as our old washer is sputtering along as well, and sounding like it's getting close to it's last spin. My car seems to be having a few issues, as well. It's just not running like I know it should be. These are just three small, cheap things to repair/replace, you know, so don't know what I am worried about! But, through it all, we are ok and these are just things, which we definitely keep in perspective with all the hardships, tough times going on around us with friends, loved ones, and the world.

So, if I'm not on much, you can guess my computer is either in the shop, or just decided to give up. As for today, my mom is on her way down so I need to get ready to spend the day with her and enjoy our time together.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Quote for the Day

To realize that you are safe and happy standing at God's side, with His love encompassing you because you are forgiven; too happy to take offense any more; too much in love with life to want to be made miserable with an unforgiving heart, and knowing that now every conflict is a chance to learn more of the exceeding beauty of Love: that is worth living for, and surely worth dying to this misery-making self for. ~Florence Allshorn

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Montana Trip

On our trip to Montana last week, we discovered some neat historic farms, buildings, and bridges, along with some beautiful scenery. We were blessed with one gorgeous day for sight seeing as well. I love that photos capture, and keep those memories alive for us.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mish Mash of Thoughts

The Montana trip pictures are taking much longer than anticipated to get through because my computer is once again having some major issues. I am praying it doesn't die before our tax return arrives. We had not planned to use that money towards a computer, but looks like we just may need to since ours does not want to run. Hoping to get through a few more pictures today, although it is finally sunny out, and I will be outside today. I need to get my garden seeds going, both in and out. I was reading some of the new seeds that I have never tried to grow, and they like to be planted early to mid Spring, so I guess I better get out and get a garden bed prepped. Plus, I need to get others started inside. I am a little behind on that, but if I get them going in the next day or two, they should be okay, just a couple weeks behind.

A friend shared this quote with me. Good things to think about as the day goes on.

In the midst of your battle, make Jesus the joy and hope of your life. Let him change your heart so that your conditions no longer thwart your spirit. God does his best work when changing us in such times. Then, whatever may come, you will remain above it all, seated with him in heavenly places. You are the object of His incredible love.

Monday, April 12, 2010


My husband and I were in Montana for three days. We attended a wedding in a small country church of a co-worker of my husband, and we took in a little time to just get away while we were at it. We experienced a blinding snowstorm on the pass, rain, high winds, and some glorious sunshine. We explored new areas we have never ventured to before and saw some beautiful sights. While exploring, we saw bald eagles on the nest, a golden eagle, numerous deer..some almost too close, big horn sheep, geese, ducks, swans, and many different types of birds. It was a good weekend. Since we arrived home late last night, I have not had time to download any pictures, so hope to do that and post a few here tomorrow. In the meantime, I have laundry to catch up on, and my mom, sis, and nieces are heading down today to do some shopping, so I will be meeting them soon. Happy Monday everyone!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hope Through the Storms

Yesterday I was driving in to meet some friends for dinner. I looked around at the many micro climates this little area has, and chuckled. To the east, the sky was streaked in sheets of white, as new snow fell to the ground, yet to the southeast, the sky had cleared, the sun was shining through the clouds, and the mountains popped through with fresh snow capping their tops. The sun had broken through to the Southwest, as the clouds finally moved aside to allow rays of gold to come to the ground. To the West, it was nearly black, and the dark clouds hung on to the top of the mountains, refusing to budge. To the south, the sky was very black , but a brilliant rainbow appeared. To me, it was a sign of hope. Hope that the weather will improve and go back to spring! I have some tulips that have popped their little heads through and are waiting to show their glory, but we have had rain, snow, and hail for several days now. I keep hoping those little tulips survive, and are able to open those fragile blossoms that sit upon the stem.

We have hope available to us in the storms as well. Life throws us a lot of storms, and we have many choices in how we can deal with those storms. We may be able to turn to someone close to us who can help us. However, the ultimate source of hope is Jesus. He gives us hope when we can't find it for ourselves. He wants to help us out, for us to lean on Him. He can give us hope, if we ask for it, and trust in Him.

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.
Psalm 62:5-8

Monday, April 5, 2010


This morning, God was putting a few thoughts in my head. I was composing those thoughts, somewhat anyway, to come to the computer and write. I checked my email first, and read a devotion that was filled with those same thoughts, and more. I hope it touches you as it touched me.

You are a Letter from God

Have you ever wanted to write a letter to God? If you sat down right now to compose a message to the Creator of the universe, what would you say?

I think most would go with the whole series of "why?" questions...why me God? Why did my parents divorce? Why am I depressed a lot? Why did you make me this way? Why are things turning out like this?

Valid questions to be sure - and also ones that God is not threatened or angered by. Life is sometimes plain and simple awful, and it is human nature to point our finger at the sky and blame the One in charge - right?

That is certainly something Tyler Doherty could have done, and no one would have blamed him.

Who is Tyler Doherty? Well that's not his real name, but he is a real 8 year old boy who went from an easy going, soccer playing childhood to the darkest journey anyone could ever face when one simple word entered his world:


In the process of his battle with this deadly disease, Tyler had to quit his beloved sport, lose his hair and eyebrows, and face a daily battle with a reality that could crush the spirit of anyone on the planet.

But Tyler had an unshakable relationship with God...a childlike faith that turned his pain and discouragement into a community transformation. That's why the letters he writes to God are not about the "why," or even about him. Tyler writes to God about other people and their problems, and in turn becomes a living letter from God to everyone around him.

And now his story has the chance to transform - not hundreds - but literally millions of lives through the movie Letters to God.

I can't say if I would have the faith that Tyler had when facing a giant of that size, but one thing I have in common with him is that I, too, am a living letter from God to the people around me.

And if you have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, this statement is true about you:

Your lives are a letter written in our hearts; everyone can read it and recognize our good work among you. Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you. This "letter" is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts (2 Corinthians 2:2-3).

This truth formed the foundation of Tyler 's outlook on life. He wrote pen and ink letters to God on behalf of others, and in turn God used him to be a beating heart letter from Jesus Christ. His deepest wish was that the sad, hurting, and broken people in his world would come to know God.

We've been granted an unbelievable opportunity - haven't we? Every day God is texting the world through our eyes, our words, our attitudes, and our actions. The ink from our hearts bleeds onto the paper of our world, painting a picture of Jesus Christ.

So what kind of living letter are you? The answer to this question can be found in another question-

What kind of letters are you writing to God?

Your prayers are your letters, so if they are generally composed of complaints, questions, and self-focused requests, then that is the kind of God the people around you will see.

How about we all start a new letter writing campaign? One that asks God to touch lives and heal the pain in our corner of the world. One that begs God for the salvation of our friends who don't know Him because they haven't trusted in Jesus Christ as their only hope of salvation.

Let me start this campaign with a letter from God that changed me to the core of my being:

He was pierced for our rebellion,
crushed for our sins.
He was beaten so we could be whole.
He was whipped so we could be healed.
All of us, like sheep, have strayed away.
We have left God's paths to follow our own.
Yet the Lord laid on him
the sins of us all (Isaiah 53:5-6).

Remember, the ink that God is using to write His message to the world through you was paid for with the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. Don't waste this precious gift with selfish and self-centered prayers and living, rather make each day a magnificent composition to your Savior, then watch Him write His message of unconditional love and salvation to everyone around you!

Ask your friends what they would put in a letter to God. Would they ask questions? Would they question His goodness? Or would they be more like Tyler and praise God for the life they've been given? Pray for an opportunity to talk about the Biblical description of Christians as "living letters"' from God, telling the world about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Matthew 5:15-17

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life-in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing. Philippians 2:14-16

Friday, April 2, 2010

My Heart Today

Today is the day that a Savior went to a cross and died for all mankind. All. You. Me. Those who accept Him, those who reject Him. He died for ALL. Before His horrible death on a cross, He was beaten. Beaten so bad it ripped his skin down to the bones. Blood poured out of every pore of His body. For you. For me. For everyone who has lived, will live. Everyone. Those that were about to kill Him, who mocked Him, who beat and spit upon Him, who fashioned a crown for Him, He also died for. The crown they made just for Him was a crown of thorns that was pushed deep into His head and blood streamed down His face. After they beat Him, they made Him walk up a hill, carrying His own cross. He collapsed part way up that hill, and a man named Simon, who was standing in the crowd was ordered to carry His cross. Jesus carries the burden of our sins continually, Simon carried the cross of our Lord up a hill. Yes, Jesus died for Simon as well. Simon's sins are part of the reason Christ was going up that hill to die. So are my sins. So are yours. Nails pierced through the flesh of His hands and his feet as they put Him upon that wooden beam. He cried to the Father as all the sins of the world, past, present, future, hung there with Him on that cross. He died. A brutal death. An innocent man died a death that was punishment for the worst criminals. He could have stopped this horrific death, but He didn't. He loves us. He loves you. He loves me. He died because of that love. He was put in a sealed tomb, with guards to make sure no one took His body. Three days later, the Savior rose from the dead, as He said He would, defeating death, defeating our sins. He is alive! He is still, and always will be alive! For you. For me. For all mankind, past, present, future. He loves us. He leaves the choice to us whether we will love Him back. It's my choice. It's your choice. You are either for Him, or you are against Him. You either live your life with Him as your Savior, or you don't. You either let Him be the center of your life, or you are the center of your life. You have the choice to deny Him, or to live a life pleasing to Him, honoring Him, praising Him.

This Resurrection Sunday is about Christ, the risen Savior. It's about an empty tomb to save the world. It's not about candy, bunnies, or food. Where's your focus? If you claim to follow Christ, the center needs to be Him. If you claim to follow Him, then those in your life should know the real reason for these precious days. Set aside the secular side of this holiday, no run from it, and embrace the love of a Savior. Be set apart from the world, be different, so that others will KNOW in whom you believe, in what is important! Celebrate a risen King!

My friend shares a special time that with her family and remembering our Lord, over at Aspire. If you need some focus, go share in the love of her heart.

How about some more focus? Go here. Or open your Bible and read Matthew, chapters 26-28; Mark, chapters 14-16; Luke, chapters 22-24; John, chapters 18-20.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


by Max Lucado

ROAD. DARK. STARS. SHADOWS. FOUR. SANDALS. Robes. Quiet. Suspense. Grove. Trees. Alone. Questions. Anguish. “Father!” Sweat. God. Man. God-Man. Prostrate. Blood. “NO!” “Yes.” Angels. Comfort.

Footsteps. Torches. Voices. Romans. Surprise. Swords. Kiss. Confusion. Betrayal. Fearful. Run! Bound. Wrists. Marching.

Courtyard. Priests. Lamps. Sanhedrin. Caiaphas. Sneer. Silk. Arrogance. Beard. Plotting. Barefoot. Rope. Calm. Shove. Kick. Annas. Indignant. Messiah? Trial. Nazarene. Confident. Question. Answer. Punch!

Peter. “Me?” Rooster. Thrice. Guilt.

Proceedings. Court. Rejection. Prosecute. Weary. Pale. Witnesses. Liars. Inconsistent. Silence. Stares. “Blasphemer!” Anger. Waiting. Bruised. Dirty. Fatigued. Guards. Spit. Blindfold. Mocking. Blows. Fire. Twilight.

Sunrise. Golden. Jerusalem. Temple. Passover. Lambs. Lamb. Worshipers. Priests. Messiah. Hearing. Fraud. Prisoner. Waiting. Standing. Shifting. Strategy. “Pilate!” Trap. Murmurs. Exit.

Stirring. Parade. Crowd. Swell. Romans. Pilate. Toga. Annoyed. Nervous. Officers. Tunics. Spears. Silence. “Charge?” “Blasphemy.” Indifference. Ignore. (Wife. Dream.) Worry. Interview. Lips. Pain. Determined. “King?” “Heaven.” “Truth.” “Truth?” Sarcasm. (Fear.) “Innocent!” Roar. Voices. “Galilean!” “Galilee?” “Herod!”

9:00 A.M. Marchers. Palace. Herod. Fox. Schemer. Paunchy. Crown. Cape. Scepter. Hall. Elegance. Silence. Manipulate. Useless. Vexed. Revile. Taunt. “King?” Robe. Theatrical. Cynical. Hateful. “Pilate!”

Marching. Uproar. Prisoner. Hushed. Pilate. “Innocent!” Bedlam. “Barabbas!” Riot. Despair. Christ. Bare. Rings. Wall. Back. Whip. Slash. Scourge. Tear. Bone. Moan. Flesh. Rhythm. Silence. Whip! Silence. Whip! Silence. Whip! Thorns. Stinging. Blind. Laughter. Jeering. Scepter. Slap. Governor. Distraught. (Almost.) Eyes. Jesus. Decision. Power. Freedom? Threats. Looks. Yelling. Weak. Basin. Water. Swayed. Compromise. Blood. Guilt.

Soldiers. Thieves. Crosspiece. Shoulder. Heavy. Beam. Heavy. Sun. Stagger. Incline. Houses. Shops. Faces. Mourners. Murmurs. Pilgrims. Women. Tumble. Cobblestone. Exhaustion. Gasping. Simon. Pathetic. Golgotha.

Skull. Calvary. Crosses. Execution. Death. Noon. Tears. Observers. Wails. Wine. Nude. Bruised. Swollen. Crossbeam. Sign. Ground. Nails. Pound. Pound. Pound. Pierced. Contorted. Thirst. Terrible. Grace. Writhing. Raised. Mounted. Hung. Suspended. Spasms. Heaving. Sarcasm. Sponge. Tears. Taunts. Forgiveness. Dice. Gambling. Darkness.


Death. Life.

Pain. Peace.

Condemn. Promise.

Nowhere. Somewhere.

Him. Us.

“Father!” Robbers. Paradise. Wailing. Weeping. Stunned. “Mother.” Compassion. Darkness. “My God!” Afraid. Scapegoat. Wilderness. Vinegar. “Father.” Silence. Sigh. Death. Relief.

Earthquake. Cemetery. Tombs. Bodies. Mystery. Curtain. Spear. Blood. Water. Spices. Linen. Tomb. Fear. Waiting. Despair. Stone. Mary. Running. Maybe? Peter. John. Belief. Enlightenment. Truth. Mankind. Alive. Alive. Alive!

From No Wonder They Call Him the Savior

Read Matthew chapters 26-28 for the full account of Jesus' brutal death and resurrection. If you don't have a Bible available, go to Bible Gateway and in the search button, just put Matthew 26 in and read from there. There are many different translations available there. They all say the same thing, just some are easier to understand than others.