Friday, April 2, 2010

My Heart Today

Today is the day that a Savior went to a cross and died for all mankind. All. You. Me. Those who accept Him, those who reject Him. He died for ALL. Before His horrible death on a cross, He was beaten. Beaten so bad it ripped his skin down to the bones. Blood poured out of every pore of His body. For you. For me. For everyone who has lived, will live. Everyone. Those that were about to kill Him, who mocked Him, who beat and spit upon Him, who fashioned a crown for Him, He also died for. The crown they made just for Him was a crown of thorns that was pushed deep into His head and blood streamed down His face. After they beat Him, they made Him walk up a hill, carrying His own cross. He collapsed part way up that hill, and a man named Simon, who was standing in the crowd was ordered to carry His cross. Jesus carries the burden of our sins continually, Simon carried the cross of our Lord up a hill. Yes, Jesus died for Simon as well. Simon's sins are part of the reason Christ was going up that hill to die. So are my sins. So are yours. Nails pierced through the flesh of His hands and his feet as they put Him upon that wooden beam. He cried to the Father as all the sins of the world, past, present, future, hung there with Him on that cross. He died. A brutal death. An innocent man died a death that was punishment for the worst criminals. He could have stopped this horrific death, but He didn't. He loves us. He loves you. He loves me. He died because of that love. He was put in a sealed tomb, with guards to make sure no one took His body. Three days later, the Savior rose from the dead, as He said He would, defeating death, defeating our sins. He is alive! He is still, and always will be alive! For you. For me. For all mankind, past, present, future. He loves us. He leaves the choice to us whether we will love Him back. It's my choice. It's your choice. You are either for Him, or you are against Him. You either live your life with Him as your Savior, or you don't. You either let Him be the center of your life, or you are the center of your life. You have the choice to deny Him, or to live a life pleasing to Him, honoring Him, praising Him.

This Resurrection Sunday is about Christ, the risen Savior. It's about an empty tomb to save the world. It's not about candy, bunnies, or food. Where's your focus? If you claim to follow Christ, the center needs to be Him. If you claim to follow Him, then those in your life should know the real reason for these precious days. Set aside the secular side of this holiday, no run from it, and embrace the love of a Savior. Be set apart from the world, be different, so that others will KNOW in whom you believe, in what is important! Celebrate a risen King!

My friend shares a special time that with her family and remembering our Lord, over at Aspire. If you need some focus, go share in the love of her heart.

How about some more focus? Go here. Or open your Bible and read Matthew, chapters 26-28; Mark, chapters 14-16; Luke, chapters 22-24; John, chapters 18-20.

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