Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Afternoon In The Park

Last week, my mom, sister, and nieces came down and we enjoyed some time at Manito Park. 

It was a beautiful day, as we walked through the gardens, smelled the lilacs, and enjoyed some time relaxing and having fun.  The girls thought the hills were perfect for somersaulting down.

It's fun to walk through the gardens and look at things through a child's eyes.  The girls notice a lot of details, and got so excited about colors, bugs, and the beauty in the park.

Both girls love to take pictures.  They used my mom's and my cameras, and captured some pretty great images, especially for a 5 and 6 year old.  

I am now going to be a bragging aunt, and share some of their photos.  All of the following photos were taken by nieces.  I think they both have a pretty good eye, especially for the age they are.  These are their images, no editing, just exactly what they shot.


  1. What fun & beauty!!

    Those nieces take after their auntie in photography--wonderful photos.

    Thank you for sharing, friend.

    Oops, I think you forgot the scratch-n-sniff gadget. ;-)


  2. Wow, you have some talented nieces!!

  3. Beautiful photos! What kind of camera do you use?

  4. Thank you for the camera information.

    Your page and photos are such a blessing and inspiration!

    Thank you so much!
