Saturday, June 19, 2010

Twenty Three Years

23 years ago, I said I doI do to the good times.  I do to the tough times.  I do to loving someone else for the rest of my life, unselfishly, with a love like Christ gives to us.  I do to I standing by his side through everything life tosses our way, whether they are blessings or things that we have to work through, figure out why it happened, and move through changes.  There have been many changes in our life together of 23 years.  Many wonderful times.  Many times of growth.  There have been times of packing up and moving away.  There have been job changes, job loss. There have been times of clinging to each other, knowing we will get through, together.  There have been times of great sorrow, but there have also been times of great joy.  There have been times of celebration and victory, and times of being knocked down and having to work our way out of a tough place.  We have shared a lot of laughs, and a lot of tears.  We've had to say goodbye to too many loved ones, much too close together.  We have learned that love isn't about just a warm fuzzy feeling, but about being there through sickness, health, loss, wins, sorrow, joys, and standing side by side, knowing that together, and with God's help, we can make it to another day, another month, another year.  It's learning, and living out, that love is patient and kind.  Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.  It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.  Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.  Both my hubby and I know this isn't always easy to live out, but things are so much better when we do live our marriage in this way.  Love of this kind NEVER fails.  Never.  I fail, and I fail a lot, but love in the purest form does not fail. 

I am thankful for a husband who has been by my side for 23 years.  I am thankful I said I do to a wonderful man who has walked with me through this journey of life. 

Happy Anniversary!  I love you!


  1. Happy Anniversary to you both!!


  2. You two are an excellent example of a wonderful, Christ-centered marriage, I thank you for that gift you've given me.

    Happy Anniversary! It was great seeing you last night --- praying for you guys. :)
