Thursday, June 3, 2010

What Do I Know of Holy

This song asks 'What Do I Know of Holy?'  It talks of how we try to hear from God, but we talk the whole time, and how we make God smaller than He really is.  I think we tend to do that a lot, at least I do. God, I need to hear from you, but I won't stop talking or stop doing long enough to hear you when you do try to get my attention.  We need to just stop, be silent, and worship our Lord.  He is God, Creator of ALL, able to do so much more than we ever can imagine, or wrap our tiny little brains around.  He is Holy!

This song isn't being disrespectful in asking what do I know of Holy.  It's talking about how we can only get such a small taste of how big, how HOLY God really is, even at the best of our relationship with Him.  It's also talking about how we get in the way of God and His power.  God doesn't need to be put in a box.  He is capable of so much more than we can ever fathom. Take time with Him to just be silent, maybe with some worship music, but to just be silent.  Believe me, I know it's difficult to do this, to shut the mind off, but when we can and can focus on God, we can experience just a taste of God's holiness.   

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