Monday, November 1, 2010


There is a lot at stake tomorrow as America heads to the polls.  Please take time to really dig in to where candidates stand, don't just believe all the propaganda or what you read from reporters.  Take time to find out where the candidates REALLY stand on the issues that are important to you.  In a day where info is readily available at our fingertips, we should all be informed, not just swayed by ads and the media.  One spot that lines out where a candidate stands on issues, is at Citizen Link voter guide.  Just click the link, go to your state, click your district and see where the candidates stand.  If they didn't answer, you will have to decide if they deserve your vote, and you will have to look elsewhere for more information.  Personally, if a candidate doesn't answer the questions, it makes me really question them and why they didn't answer...are they undecided, are they easily swayed, are they promoting one agenda but actually stand for another?  Please take time to educate yourself.  Think and pray about who to vote for, don't just let another person tell you who to vote for.  Vote not only for yourself, but for future generations.  The decisions we make tomorrow, will not only affect us, but our kids, our grandkids, and future generations.  Vote, but vote wisely.  

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