Thursday, December 9, 2010


After being out and about all day today, I observed some not so Christmas-like attitudes among many people.  People cutting others off and trying to run others over, just to get a parking space. Others with big frowns on their faces, mumbling and grumbling as they pushed their carts into others because, evidently, they were in their way and they could not go on the other side of the people, even though there was plenty of room. I wonder why people make Christmas the most non-wonderful time of the year.  Why not just loosen up and smile!  Also, if you don't have the money, then don't spend it and find other ways to give, in ways that really matter, in ways people will actually remember!

I started to look at a few websites tonight after getting home.  I found some great ideas to share love and joy, and to make this the most wonderful time of the year.  There are some great ideas to get our focus on the real reason for Christmas, not only for ourselves, but for others, and most importantly, to pass along to younger generations.  These ideas help to get the focus off ourselves and our wants, and help us to focus on others and their needs, and to focus on the real Gift of Christmas, Jesus.  

I would love to see some of the ways you take the focus off the give me's of Christmas, and focus on others, and Christ.  Please share in the comments section.  

These ideas are from different websites, and from personal experiences from things my husband and I have done that have blessed us. I hope you can find a few ideas to help you celebrate Christmas!  I hope you can come out of the hustle and bustle of a worldly Christmas and take time to focus on the real reason for Christmas.

Take a few moments each day to read a few verses from the Christmas story in Luke 2. 

Talk with other family members, or friends, and find ways to help out an elderly neighbor, a single parent, or a family who has been out of work for awhile. You can offer to help out around their homes, buy them gifts or food, or help them out in so many other ways.  If you don't know anyone who needs a helping hand, ask a pastor or school principal for a family in need that you could help out.

Bake a birthday cake to celebrate Jesus' birth.

Offer to babysit for free for someone with small kids for a couple hours so the parents can have some time to themselves.  

As you are out shopping, or waiting in line, pray for those around you.  You never know what they may be going through at the time.

Make a list of 'gifts'  you and your family could give to Jesus all acts of kindness, serving in a ministry, praying for others, or spending daily time in His word.

Collect non-perishable food items for local charities and food banks.

Find somewhere to volunteer, serve, and take that volunteer time into the new year.

Even if you can't offer money, you have many talents that you can offer to others.  If you can bake, make some cookies for a lonely person, or offer your skills somewhere they can be used to help others.  If you can knit, knit hats and scarves...there are many who could use them to stay warm over the winter.  If you sew, you can make baby clothes, doll clothes, clothes for those who may not have much.  If you have mechanic skills, help those who cannot afford maintenance elsewhere.  

There are many, many things all of us can do to give!  Giving is the reason for Christmas.  Christ came to earth to give to us, so we can show love for Him and others, by giving back.  How will you decide today to help others, to give back, to be an example to the children that are in your life?  What will you do to make this a truly memorable Christmas, giving gifts that really matter?  

You can't have a perfect day without doing something for someone who'll never be able to repay you. ~John Wooden

From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life. ~Arthur Ashe

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