Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Where's Your Focus?

Who and what are at the center of your Christmas?  Where is your focus?  Is it on the shopping/buying, buying, buying?  Is it on what presents will I get this year?  Has the busyness and hustle and bustle taken over your life, and you have missed the whole reason for this season?  Or is your focus on the food, the meal?  Is it on Santa? Maybe it is just on yourself?  Is your focus on the only true reason for Christmas, Christ?  Are you too busy, to wrapped up in what you want for Christmas, how you want Christmas to be, to even notice Jesus?  He left Heaven to come to earth as a baby, to grow into a man, who died on a cross for your sins, because HE chose to do it, because HE loves you.  Have you taken time to reflect on that this season?  Will you make room for Him among your traditions and plans on Christmas Eve and Christmas day to celebrate His birth, and to be thankful with a humble heart that He loves you so much?  Or, will it be a day like any other day?  A day that goes by without even noticing Him?  Will you put aside what you want, for what He wants?  Will you decide that this Christmas, you will allow Christ to be the whole reason for celebrating, and put your focus on Him, and thank Him for the many blessings that surround you?  Will you allow Him to be your Savior, the whole, real reason for Christmas?  I pray your eyes and heart are focused on Christ this Christmas, and that you will truly know His deep love for you, and that He will be the reason to celebrate Christmas.  He gave all He had for you, are you willing to do the same for Him?

What's Christmas really about?  It's really about Jesus.  The media, retailers, the government, and others may try to tell us otherwise, but it is about Jesus.

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