Thursday, March 3, 2011

Almost Missed the Moment

I almost got in the way of God.  Almost.  Fortunately, I felt Him tugging away at me, and I surrendered my will for His, and God showed up in a big way.  

We had plans to go to a worship service at our church, mainly music, and a short message by our pastor.  Those plans included someone else.  I changed those plans.  I had a rough day and changed the plans.  The other person said he was ok with it, but about ninety minutes beforehand, he sent me a text.  God was already working on my heart, telling me we all needed to be there.  Text after text kept coming in.  I told my husband we needed to change plans again, he agreed.  He had quite a distance to travel to pick the other person up, and as he left his destination, he prayed for God to clear the way if we were all truly supposed to be there.  He had a minimum of twenty traffic lights to go through, just on the way there.  Every light was green.  It was the beginning of rush hour in Spokane, and traffic flowed continually and smoothly for him, which is extremely unusual.  After picking up our friend, he only was stopped by one stop light and it was a very brief stop.  

The time of worship was great.  It's always fantastic to draw near to the heart of God with several hundred believers.  Our pastor changed his planned message some that morning, and now it was on full surrender and trust, giving up our will for God's, no matter what.  Some things he said hit me hard.  Some things he said were exactly what the person with us has been struggling with for days now, and as our pastor talked, the person next to us started to break.  God was definitely in that place.  I almost messed it up for my will.  The service ended with pastors and leaders praying with anyone who wanted prayer.  The one pastor this person has connected with was heading the opposite direction, but stopped turned around, and immediately grabbed and prayed with my friend.  God, again.  You can say it's all coincidence.  I know otherwise.  I know that God was tugging on my heart four hours before the service began to change my mind.  I know God cleared the path for my husband to pick up our friend.  I know that God put the words in my pastors mouth for myself, and my friend, to hear.  My friend committed his life to Christ last night.  I almost got in the way of that because I had my will that I wanted to happen.  Thankfully, God had other plans and he was persistent in getting those across to me.  God moves, we just have to see it.  In order to see it, we must be willing to listen when he pulls at our heart.  I am glad I listened.  I am thankful I got out of the way, and allowed God to move. 

1 comment:

  1. you put feet to your faith and made God's love quite tangible to another...

