Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Ink on paper is as beautiful to me as flowers on the mountains; God composes, why shouldn't we?  
~Terri Guillemets

Lately, I have been having issues with what I first thought was writer's block, "BLOG BLOCK" to be exact.  However, I realized that I have been writing more than I have in a long time and my notebook and journals are stacked with a lot of words, whirlwinds of thoughts, page upon page as a matter of fact.  God seems to be teaching me many things right now, and I have been trying to take good notes.  My husband was watching me write the other day, and made a comment about how fast I was writing and filling up those yellow pages of my notebook.  Honestly, I hadn't noticed.  

Fill your paper with breathings of your heart.  
~William Wordsworth

My head seems to be overflowing with thoughts and words.  I figured out this morning what my problem really is...too many thoughts, scattered all over the place that need to have some cohesiveness to them.  My goal this week is to put those thoughts together into something that will make sense to someone other than me.  I don't know how you write, but when I write, I often times get three or four thoughts at the same time so the words I jot down are usually half thoughts, or notes, so I don't forget what I was thinking.  (Hmm, could I be somewhat scatterbrained?  Probably.)    Most of the time, I can go back and figure out what I was talking about in the jotted down half thoughts that are scratched across the pages.  However, I must admit, there are times where I scratch my head and wonder what I was thinking when I wrote down those notes.  If anyone else was to pick up my pages of notes, they would be very lost and confused, thinking the message was written in code.  

There are thousands of thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up the pen and writes.  
~William Makepeace Thackeray

Even if I am a bit scattered and need to organize my four journals and two notebooks, it has felt good to just sit and write again, to express myself with pen and paper.  I actually find it very therapeutic and healing.  

The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium.  ~Norbet Platt

So, dear reader, stayed tuned as I try to organize my thoughts and find ones I want to share.  Much of what I have been writing is between me and God, but there are always words and thoughts to share with others.  I hope some of the words and thoughts inspire you, make you smile, and make you think.  I also hope you are inspired to sit down and write.  You don't have to know how to write, just write.  Writing seems to be an art we are losing, just like so many others, because of technology.  So today, I challenge you to grab pen and paper and just write what's on your heart, what may be weighing heavy on your mind, or joys that you would like to express.  After all, it is pretty cheap therapy!  

Close the door.  Write with no one looking over your shoulder. Don't try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say.  It's one thing you have to offer.  
~Barbara Kingsolver

1 comment:

  1. Ah-hah. It's good to hear that you suffer from the same problems!

    I have been writing with pen and pencil so much lately, especially since my accident, that my writer's bump is starting to reemerge. Yippee.

    And you are right, writing is therapy, scattered as it may be, it is still good for us.

