Friday, August 26, 2011

Starry Night

Life has been a little overwhelming lately.  My hubby was on the east coast last week for work, and when he did try to come home, his flights were very delayed due to weather.  He got home sixteen hours past when he was supposed to be home.  I am very thankful he made it home, and that he arrived before the earthquake, and now the hurricane hit the east coast.  

When he is away, my world spins extra fast. It goes fast enough on any regular day, so going on high speed spin cycle while he is away, makes me dizzy which is why I must fall down in bed at the end of those days and collapse.  Not only is there all the things to do around our home, yard, garden, dog walking, errands, appointments, and on and on with our life, but his mom has been having to go to a lot of doctor appointments, which I am her main chauffeur and note taker to what the doctor says.  I have great respect for full time caregivers.  I do it on a part time basis, even when hubby is home, and it is a lot of work.  My mom-in-law has MS, and has had for a number of years.  Lately though, the disease seems to be getting a bit more aggressive in some areas, which requires a few more doctor visits and tests, and some extra care.  I am thankful I am here to help her a couple days a week.

There have been a few other things in life that just have seemed to add to life on a crazy spin cycle lately, things that are tough just mentally to deal with, which I believe can be more exhausting than physical exhaustion.  There have been moments when I forget to hand it over to God and try to take things into my own hands, or worry about what's going to happen.  God's been trying to remind me that He has it all in control, I just need to give it to Him......and NOT take it back.  

Tonight as I went outside with my dog, I looked up at the sky.  The stars were amazing!  There are millions of them, and they are so beautiful.  I stood in awe for a few minutes, thanking God for always being there, and for showing me His handiwork.  I thanked Him for not giving up on me when I try to control my life, instead of letting Him do that for me.  I thanked Him that He is bigger than the earthly problems and that no matter what, He is in control.  

This song popped in my head as I stood in the darkness, staring up at the night sky.  Enjoy.

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