Friday, February 22, 2013

That's Life

It's late.  It's quiet.  My husband is tucked away in bed.  The only sounds I hear are a train rumbling in the distance and the fire crackling in the wood stove.  I can see out the sliding door to the white blanket that covered the ground today.  I guess winter is going to hang around a bit longer.  

I am a night person, always have been.  My creative juices seem to start flowing about 8 pm.  This is the time I think, write, read, and study.  It's been a long day and I should be in bed.  My dog is curled up a few feet away from me, sound asleep.  She spent the day at the vet, getting a growth removed from her inner lip, and then getting treated for a kidney infection we didn't even know she had until the vet ran a standard test before making her sleepy to remove the growth.  Apparently, she is quite sick, but you would never know it.  She has been bouncing around as usual, demanding her nightly walk through the neighborhood.  If we try to skip the walk, she brings us her leash, and barks until we are annoyed enough to take her for a walk. Needless to say, it's been a stressful day for me.  Now, we have to wait until mid-week to get results on a biopsy from her lip, and a culture for her kidneys.  

We never know what life it going to hand us.  I had a classmate pass away less than a week ago.  Too young in our view for him to be gone.  My class has lost several members much too early.  I have a couple people I am close to dealing with some serious health issues, and I have some friends who are making major life changes because of loss of job or relational changes. Life hands us the unexpected in many forms.  However, God is always the same, always there to help out and hold our hand and help us through what we face.  He is always with us through the good times, and the bad times.  He doesn't move in our situations, we do.  He is always near to us, always ready to help us and guide us, always there for us to pour out our heart to Him, and always ready to hear our thanksgiving.  In the tough times, look to Him.  In the good times, look to Him.  He is always there for us, and for that I am thankful.  

The Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forget you. Don’t be afraid and don’t worry.”  

Deuteronomy 31:8

For I am the Lord your God Who holds your right hand, and Who says to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you.’  
Isaiah 41:13

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