Showing posts with label black and white. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black and white. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Through The Fog

Blessed to be at the right place at the right time to see the freezing fog lift off the trees.  

God shows up all over our lives, if we look for Him.  

Friday, February 1, 2013

Living in Black and White, Trusting in the Light

Overall, January was a gray month, or more like living in black and white on a daily basis.

We had a lot of heavy, dense fog, and freezing fog.  

The freezing fog made for some beautiful trees, when the fog lifted enough to see them.

Dark days can bring us down.  
But even on the dark days, we can find beauty, if we look.

We have to adjust our focus....... 

...knowing better days are ahead. 

We  have to push through the darkness, and not let it overcome us, but hope in the light. 

The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.  
John 1:5 

We can live in some very dark days spiritually, personally, financially but if we turn to Christ, He will provide a way for us to get through that darkness.  He is the Light, and the darkness cannot and will not ever overcome Him.  Put your hope in Him today and let Him help you walk through the dark days, into the Light of His love and grace.


I read this this morning. Great reminder as we head into a new year. You have been equipped by God to endure this life.  He has bui...