The longer I work with teens, the more I know I have been blessed beyond belief for the family I grew up in. I see so many kids who are ripped apart emotionally because of their home lives. Many don't have a dad present in their lives, and it makes me sad. A dad is a vital part of a growing up, and I am so grateful for the dad that God gifted me with. My dad has always instilled morals in us through God's word, and has taught us right from wrong, to respect others, and to help others out when we can, and however we can. My dad has given us a strong base of how to live our lives by teaching us God's word, but also by living God's word. He also instilled in us how to earn an honest living and to work hard and fair, and to not take advantage of people.
I look up to you, dad, and respect you. I appreciate the positive and Godly influence you've had in my life. You have helped to shape me into the person I am today. Thank you, dad. We love you!
"The Measure of a man is not of his worth, but what he means to those he loves." ~Leisha Farnsworth
"He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. " ~ Clarence Budington Kelland
Very touching!