Friday, June 13, 2008

Rain Ended!

The long rain that has been pretty continual over the past few days, finally ended so I took my camera and walked through my flowers. Ahh, so nice to enjoy the colors and all God's beauty!


  1. Beautiful flowers!

  2. I have spent a little more time on your blog today. It is amazing. Beautiful pictures. A breath of fresh air. I have found myself wishing a couple of times that the world would just stop "moving" with all that has gone on this last two weeks. But it doesn't! Jen, would not want it to anyways.

    I do know who Chuck is. He married Jen and Jeff right? If I am right too, she lived with him and his wife down in Boise which is how my husband Tim met her, and then eventually she introduced me to him - so I guess you could say I owe a lot to that time in her life for sure.

    I wish I could have met you yesterday! Your blog speaks highly of who you are!!!!

    Keep in touch

