Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The trouble with nearly everybody who prays is that he says "Amen" and runs away before God has a chance to reply. Listening to God is far more important than giving Him your ideas. ~Frank Laubach

Isn't that quote so true. I have been praying about a certain situation for a few days now, and I must say that I have given God plenty of my ideas through the process! As I kept praying and then taking everything back into my own hands, instead of allowing God to work, I would get anxious, and start to doubt. The few times I prayed and let it stay with God, instead of taking it back and trying to figure it out on my own accord, I had a great peace about me. Somehow, I forgot that peace and spent part of the weekend trying to work through the situation, mainly relying on self and filling my head with doubts, and almost driving myself to a backwards white coat because of worry, stress, and what-if's. Before going to bed Sunday night, I prayed and turned it over to God, and I left my worries and stress with Him. When I awoke on Monday morning, I knew God had taken care of the situation and I just had to be obedient and follow through. I had a great peace about the decision I had laying before me and knew the course I had to take. After the final decision was out there, I felt like a weight of bricks was taken from me and I thanked God for being faithful to help me even though I wavered back and forth, back and forth before finally letting God have control.

We have a great God. Let Him help you today. Give Him your worries, fears, and doubts and let Him keep them and listen to what He may be telling you. God speaks to you in many ways-through another person, through the Bible, through a situation, through a peace that comes over you, or in contrast, that doesn't come over you. Be willing to listen to Him and see what He has to say to you today!

I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for he speaks peace to his faithful people. But let them not return to their foolish ways. Psalm 85:8

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