The Olympics are robbing me of my sleep! There was no way I could go to bed last night when the US men's swim team was going against France, who said the main reason they were there was to crush the United States. What an exciting race, and what an exciting win for the US. France pointed out how words need to be weighed out before being said. We all need to watch our tongues, and not get arrogant or filled with pride. The thoughts and attitudes that live in our hearts, come out in our speech, and can either hurt others or make us look foolish. If our hearts are filled with hate, then that is what we say to those around us. If, on the otherhand, our hearts are filled with love, then others feel that as we talk to them. We must think things through before we say them. Think how much less hurt there would be in the world if people just held their tongues instead of blurting out whatever comes to their minds, and spewing that ugliness all over the recipient of their words. Think about your words today before you say them. Maybe it's a good day to do a heart check and see what is living in there-hurt or blessing, unrest or peace.
The road of right living bypasses evil; watch your step and save your life. First pride, then the crash— the bigger the ego, the harder the fall. Proverbs 16:17-18
Sharp words cut like a sword, but words of wisdom heal. Truth will last forever;
lies are soon found out. Proverbs 12:18-19
Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:44-45
God gave us this wonderful part of our brain that is designed to filter our thoughts. I like to remind my clients, "Use your filter!" It's true that some species of humans :) like teenagers have scrambled filters, so it takes more effort on their part. But still, let's all try using our filters today! :) Great post!