Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Giving to Others

It is better to have God's approval, than the world's applause: there is a time shortly coming when a smile from God's face will be infinitely better than all the applause of men: how sweet will that word be, "Well done, good and faithful servant." (Matt. 25: 21). ~Thomas Brooks

Sometimes it's hard to remember that all that matters, truly matters, is what God thinks of our life and what we do with it. It can be difficult to put aside what others think, and strive only to please our Father. Sometimes, that means serving somewhere quietly, where you do not receive any applause from others. If we serve for the right reasons, we really don't need others approval or applause. When we live for Him, serve Him alone, there is a lot less frustration in our life, a lot less pressure because He isn't about putting on a big show and will not criticize us. He just wants us to serve with a cheerful heart.

My friend over at Aspire to Lead a Quiet Life had a vision to start a new ministry called For The Least of These. All proceeds go to help others. Please click the link and go check out the details. Please continue to check out the page, as it will be expanding, and if you can, support her ministry as she is doing it for the least of these. She isn't looking for the applause of men, she just wants to serve the Lord and help those in need.

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." ~ Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

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