Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Trimmer

Yesterday I had to go buy a new weed eater, a Grasshog. When we moved here four years ago, we needed a new one because the one we had before only lasted 17 years when it stopped working. It was a little yellow and green electric trimmer, and worked great for 16 years. After moving, we were on a very limited budget as we made two house payments for four months. So, I hit the thrift store, and found a weed eater. I hoped it worked as I brought it home. It was older, and definitely had been used a lot. We grabbed our extension cord and worked! We figured we made a good investment. Well, that is until it blew to pieces last Fall when I was trimming around my flowers. I told my husband they don't make things like they used to. I mean, for $3, things should last more than three years! We laughed about it, and figured a dollar a year wasn't too bad. If this new one lasts for that same amount of time, a dollar a year, we will be too old to worry about if blows up into a bunch of pieces like our last one did! So, today trimming with the new GRASSHOG is on my list. So is getting compost into the beds, weeding, and planting. I better get busy!

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