Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thoughts for the New Year

I was working on a blog for the new  year, and then read this one on my facebook page.  Maybe I will post my thoughts next week, but for now, I thought these were great words to chew on and think about. So, I decided to  repost it.  It is from Proverbs 31 Ministries...great thoughts for the new year.  

My New Year’s Prayer

“For the Word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”
– Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)
The first day of each New Year carries with it a myriad of emotions that often lead to promises and resolutions. Some commit to lose weight. Some commit to exercise more. Some desire a more disciplined walk with the Lord. And some want to be better wives and mothers. We all want God’s highest and best for the New Year.
But God knows too that these promises and resolutions are often grounded not in His Word but in our flesh. We focus on the end result and not on the process. There is nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight and exercise. It is a wonderful goal to be a “better” wife and mother. It is admirable to commit to daily Bible reading and quiet time. But we must be aware of making these things a daily duty we check off.
Committing to a New Year’s Resolution will not necessarily bring profound lasting life change. Committing your heart to God…studying, learning, and praying His Word…that is what will bring eternal, lasting life transformation.
I invite you to join me this year in writing a New Year’s Prayer. To begin, examine your New Year’s Resolution and prayerfully ask the Lord to reveal the heart issue behind it. Ask Him to lead you through His Word to verses that directly address what you hear.
Listen to the power of God’s promise in our key verse today: “For the Word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires” (Hebrews 4:12, NLT).
Perhaps you want to lose weight because you feel unworthy of love due to your past, your present, or choices you have made. Find verses on God’s great love for you. Believe and trust His promises that He created you just the way you are because He has a great plan and purpose for your life that only you can accomplish.
Perhaps you want to spend more time in the Word but you are too busy…you just can’t fit it into your day. Find Scriptures on God’s wisdom and priorities. Proverbs is a great place to start.
Perhaps you want to be a better wife and mother, but you have a temper that flares or a tongue that cuts like a knife. Open God’s Word and find verses addressing speech, self-control, and patience. Proverbs and James are great places to start.
Once you have found your verses, take each one and personalize it. Then join them together, along with your own words to make a prayer. Copy your prayer into a journal or notebook.
Listen to God’s promise in Isaiah 55:10-11 (NLT):
The rain and snow come down from the heavens
and stay on the ground to water the earth.
They cause the grain to grow,
producing seed for the farmer
and bread for the hungry.
It is the same with my Word.
I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to,
and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
Friend, Isaiah 55 is God’s PROMISE to you. If you pray His Word over your life…over your heart…over your home, He will be FAITHFUL to prosper it and make it bear fruit!
Heavenly Father, invade my heart as I seek to surrender my life to You in 2011.  Lead me through Your Word, show me the truths and promises You have for me.  Help me to write them into a prayer for You today.  I love You, Lord, and desire nothing more than to live a life fully surrendered to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Application Steps:
Write your New Year’s prayer, print it out, tuck it away in your Bible, and pray it often.
Read Psalm 139. This is the very Word of God written for me. I believe what it says. My Father created me, and He loves me greatly!
Power Verses:
Psalm 139:16b, “…all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (NIV)

Related Resources:
Do You Know Him?
Visit Wendy’s blog to read her New Year’s prayer for you
Enter to win a “Living Truth” New Year’s Gift Pack! From your comments on her blog, Wendy will choose two women to receive a New Year’s Gift Pack including: The One Year Chronological Bible, a copy of her Bible Study e-book, All Things Wise and Wonderful: Applying God’s Wisdom in Everyday Life, and a Starbucks gift card so you can escape to a quiet place to spend time in the Word with Him.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

BEBO NORMAN God Of My Everything

My New Year's prayer, for God to be the center and focus of my everything, that I will remember He is always there, no matter what I am going through.  

Oh God of Heaven come and hem me in
Gather the pieces that are broken
Show me the wonder of You again
Oh God of Heaven

God of my hope, God of my need
God of my pain that no one else will ever see
God of my healing, God of my strength
God who has always and will forever reign
God of my everything

In all creation You call my name
In all the beauty that this world displays
Still I'm the one for who Your heart aches
In all creation

God of my hope, God of my need
God of my pain that no one else will ever see
God of my healing, God of my strength
God who has always and will forever reign
God of my everything 

God of my everything

And when the mountains shake
You are my God
You never change

And when the earth gives way
You are still God
You never change

God of my hope, God of my need
God of my pain that no one else will ever see
God of my healing, God of my strength
God who has always and will forever reign
God of my everything
God of my everything
God of my everything
God of my everything

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

Wishing you peace in your heart, as we celebrate our Savior's birth!  Praying for all who stop by here to have a Christmas filled with love, and many, many blessings.  My hope for each one is that we take time to visit the manger, and set our focus on Christ.
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Where's Your Focus?

Who and what are at the center of your Christmas?  Where is your focus?  Is it on the shopping/buying, buying, buying?  Is it on what presents will I get this year?  Has the busyness and hustle and bustle taken over your life, and you have missed the whole reason for this season?  Or is your focus on the food, the meal?  Is it on Santa? Maybe it is just on yourself?  Is your focus on the only true reason for Christmas, Christ?  Are you too busy, to wrapped up in what you want for Christmas, how you want Christmas to be, to even notice Jesus?  He left Heaven to come to earth as a baby, to grow into a man, who died on a cross for your sins, because HE chose to do it, because HE loves you.  Have you taken time to reflect on that this season?  Will you make room for Him among your traditions and plans on Christmas Eve and Christmas day to celebrate His birth, and to be thankful with a humble heart that He loves you so much?  Or, will it be a day like any other day?  A day that goes by without even noticing Him?  Will you put aside what you want, for what He wants?  Will you decide that this Christmas, you will allow Christ to be the whole reason for celebrating, and put your focus on Him, and thank Him for the many blessings that surround you?  Will you allow Him to be your Savior, the whole, real reason for Christmas?  I pray your eyes and heart are focused on Christ this Christmas, and that you will truly know His deep love for you, and that He will be the reason to celebrate Christmas.  He gave all He had for you, are you willing to do the same for Him?

What's Christmas really about?  It's really about Jesus.  The media, retailers, the government, and others may try to tell us otherwise, but it is about Jesus.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Next to the Manger

I was sitting here tonight, looking at the manger scene that my mom made for us. I noticed that the angels, all the people, and even the animals all are looking at the same thing, the baby, Jesus.  I think in every manger scene we see, all present are looking at Jesus.  

I started to think about the whole scenario, and how Mary, a young, first time mom, had to give birth in less than desirable conditions.  No, she wasn't in the maternity wing of the hospital with doctors and nurses around to help her.  She was more than likely in a cave, with animals all around her. She was about to give birth to God's could she even begin to comprehend that?  Do you think she may have been panicking about how she would raise the Son of God?  Plus, she was a virgin, yet pregnant, about to have a child.  God's child.  I'm sure her mind could not comprehend how her little baby would grow into a man who would save her, and save the world.  What was she thinking as she was there, next to the manger?

What about Joseph?  Here he is with a woman who is pledged to be his wife, who is pregnant with not his child, but God's child, through a miraculous conception.  He is about to be stepdad to God's son.  How does something like that happen, especially to them, a simple couple, not wealthy or famous?  How does God become man?  He will be raising God's son.  How can he comprehend that?   What was he thinking as he was their, next to the manger?

After the baby is born, an angel appeared to the shepherds who were out in fields with their sheep.  The angel told them to go to Bethlehem as their Savior was born.  They left everything and went.  They came from the fields to see him.  You can only imagine what these men were like.  They hung out in fields with sheep, all day, all night.  Yet, they came to worship the newborn King.  God didn't call the wealthy, or the religious leaders to the side of the manger to see the baby, he called those without notoriety or fame.  He called the simple shepherds.  What were their thoughts as they stood, actually probably kneeled in honor and worship, at the side of the manger?  

The next person I wonder about at the side of the manger, is you. What is your response?  Do you turn your focus to the
manger this time of year, or are you too busy getting things done.  As God called the shepherds, He also calls us.  We can put ourselves at the side of the manger, through the Word of God, through the eyes of our faith. What would it be like, if you could literally go back  and stand with Mary and Joseph and the shepherds in the stable in Bethlehem? What thoughts do you have as you experience the manger scene? 

Where would you stand, first of all? How close would you dare to stand to the newborn King? When you look around, how do  you feel?  Look at how poor and humble Mary and Joseph look, yet they are filled with joy! The shepherds, they’re pretty rough around the edges, and a bit dirty. Then there is the  cave, you cannot help but notice the smell of the animals. Then you look at the manger, it’s nothing more than a feeding trough.  

There you stand.  You take a step closer, and you look right into the face of this little baby, and as you look at Him, you remember He is the Son of God, the Savior of the world.  He looks back at you.  What would you think? What would be in your heart?  Since you know the story of Christ's birth, you stand in awe of the baby, then you remember that He becomes a man who dies for YOU, for your sins, and you begin to weep.

What would you think, if you were at the manger scene with Mary and Joseph, and the shepherds, looking a the holy child? If you know the whole story, you are probably speechless, as you are overwhelmed with emotion. Here, in this feeding trough, is the one and only reason that you are forgiven by God. Here, lying next to animals, is the one and only reason that you have peace with God. Here is Christ, who promises he is coming back for those who believe in Him. Here at the manger, he is only an infant, and yet, he is the one you pray to, the one you worship, the  one you place your faith in. This little child is your Savior. He is your Savior whether you have accepted Him or rejected Him.  Here in the manger is visible proof that God does keep his promises, that God does love you and the world. Here we have hope, a reason to rejoice, a place of peace.

May the manger scene be more for you than just a nice seasonal decoration. May it be a reminder that the Son of God has been born, where God began the work of saving you, and me.

Take some time to read Luke 2, and transport your mind to the manger.  Let me know how your journey goes, and what you felt, saw, experienced on your trip to visit the King.  

Thursday, December 9, 2010


After being out and about all day today, I observed some not so Christmas-like attitudes among many people.  People cutting others off and trying to run others over, just to get a parking space. Others with big frowns on their faces, mumbling and grumbling as they pushed their carts into others because, evidently, they were in their way and they could not go on the other side of the people, even though there was plenty of room. I wonder why people make Christmas the most non-wonderful time of the year.  Why not just loosen up and smile!  Also, if you don't have the money, then don't spend it and find other ways to give, in ways that really matter, in ways people will actually remember!

I started to look at a few websites tonight after getting home.  I found some great ideas to share love and joy, and to make this the most wonderful time of the year.  There are some great ideas to get our focus on the real reason for Christmas, not only for ourselves, but for others, and most importantly, to pass along to younger generations.  These ideas help to get the focus off ourselves and our wants, and help us to focus on others and their needs, and to focus on the real Gift of Christmas, Jesus.  

I would love to see some of the ways you take the focus off the give me's of Christmas, and focus on others, and Christ.  Please share in the comments section.  

These ideas are from different websites, and from personal experiences from things my husband and I have done that have blessed us. I hope you can find a few ideas to help you celebrate Christmas!  I hope you can come out of the hustle and bustle of a worldly Christmas and take time to focus on the real reason for Christmas.

Take a few moments each day to read a few verses from the Christmas story in Luke 2. 

Talk with other family members, or friends, and find ways to help out an elderly neighbor, a single parent, or a family who has been out of work for awhile. You can offer to help out around their homes, buy them gifts or food, or help them out in so many other ways.  If you don't know anyone who needs a helping hand, ask a pastor or school principal for a family in need that you could help out.

Bake a birthday cake to celebrate Jesus' birth.

Offer to babysit for free for someone with small kids for a couple hours so the parents can have some time to themselves.  

As you are out shopping, or waiting in line, pray for those around you.  You never know what they may be going through at the time.

Make a list of 'gifts'  you and your family could give to Jesus all acts of kindness, serving in a ministry, praying for others, or spending daily time in His word.

Collect non-perishable food items for local charities and food banks.

Find somewhere to volunteer, serve, and take that volunteer time into the new year.

Even if you can't offer money, you have many talents that you can offer to others.  If you can bake, make some cookies for a lonely person, or offer your skills somewhere they can be used to help others.  If you can knit, knit hats and scarves...there are many who could use them to stay warm over the winter.  If you sew, you can make baby clothes, doll clothes, clothes for those who may not have much.  If you have mechanic skills, help those who cannot afford maintenance elsewhere.  

There are many, many things all of us can do to give!  Giving is the reason for Christmas.  Christ came to earth to give to us, so we can show love for Him and others, by giving back.  How will you decide today to help others, to give back, to be an example to the children that are in your life?  What will you do to make this a truly memorable Christmas, giving gifts that really matter?  

You can't have a perfect day without doing something for someone who'll never be able to repay you. ~John Wooden

From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life. ~Arthur Ashe

Monday, December 6, 2010

An Afternoon At Manito Park

My hubby, dog, and I made a trip to Manito Park over the weekend.  The temperatures were quite chilly, but the sun was shining, the snow had stopped and the streets were cleared of snow and slush.  We enjoyed some beautiful poinsettias, along with other flowers inside, and a lot of foliage and snow outside.  

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What is Christmas?

When I say Christmas, what is the first thing that pops in your head??  What is Christmas to you?  

Is it about presents?  How about how much you get from others?  What is the focus?  Is it a time where you get so stressed out, your family doesn't even want to be around you because you are so uptight?  Is it about parties, spending money you don't have, and making sure your house and family looks picture perfect?  

Please listen to this song, and really think of where your focus is this month.   I pray we can all  focus on the true gift over the next couple weeks, and that hearts can truly find a silent night.