Sunday, November 3, 2019
Pause To Be Grateful
November is a great month to intentionally focus on gratitude. Unfortunately, the world we live in seems to easily focus on the bad, the negative, what's wrong with everything and everyone. It would change our world if we all remembered to pause every day to be grateful for the blessings we all have, for the people in our lives, and for the beauty that surrounds us. There is always something to be thankful for. Will you join me in taking time every day to write down what you are thankful for, for the daily gifts in your life? When you change your focus and begin to look for daily gifts, write them down, and see the beauty in every day, it changes how you see the world. If you don't like to write in a notebook, there are apps that allow you to keep a daily gratitude journal. Yes, life is busy, but it only takes a few moments to pause and be grateful.
I began doing daily gratitude this summer and you are correct, it changes how you see things.