Sunday, November 24, 2019

Remember What is Important

This week has held days of preparing for the holidays-shopping for Thanksgiving dinner, cleaning the house, listening to Christmas music, putting up lights on the outside of our home. I've been a mixture of emotions. I am excited to spend time with family. I love getting the lights up on our home. But then there is this.....this is the first holiday season without my mother-in-law. It's difficult. We miss her. She passed at the end of April of this year. My heart also thinks of other loved ones we have lost this year, and along with over the years. I also think of some of the difficult situations that have come about this year in our lives and the lives of friends and family. Tears stream down my face at the most inopportune times, it seems. Memories are triggered by food, ornaments, decorations, songs, something someone says and the tears come. Memories are good, though. The remind us of intentional times spent together.

I have so much to be grateful for and I don't want to forget that. I have challenged myself to a gratitude challenge every day. It helps to keep things in the right perspective and to focus on what is good, what I have, and to be grateful for those who are in my life. Life is precious. Live every moment. Love deeply. Put your phones down and spend time with those you love. Laugh. Cry. Make memories. 

At the end of your life, you will not wish you spent more time on your phone, staring at a screen. You will remember, cherish, and long for moments with loved ones, so cherish them now. Remember what is truly important. People. Face to face. Real conversations. Time together. People. 

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