Thursday, May 31, 2007

Brandon Update

I don't know about this kid of mine. He is already doing wheelies in his wheelchair! We spent 1 1/2 hours in it today. We ran into a friend that went to school with the kids in Sandpoint. He is also recouping from being hit with a IED. He faired much better then Brandon in the area of limb loss. They both lived to tell their story. This young man lost three soldiers in his blast, he was the lucky one. On a good note they are sharing their story right now. Brandon was visited by the PT team today. They layed out what will happen over the next months to get Brandon his legs. Yes they said that Brandon's limb loss is high but they said with hard work he could walk again. Brandon accepts nothing less then walking again. He will be challenged by the short limbs but not in spirit. He is already working out in his bed. It is wonderful to see him smile. Pray for Gods hand in all of this. It won't happen any other way.
Karen and I thank you for your prayers. God Bless you all.

In Christ Doug

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Brandon Update

Were moving out of ICU! Going into a step down unit. He got into his wheelchair and went outside too! He smiled and said that its cooler then Baghdad. I say its to muggy and hot! To him its paradise I'm sure. See Prayer works! So don't stop! Thank you to all. This is the e-mail of David Osgood. He is the unit medic that saved Brandon. If any would like to send him a e-mail here it is

In Christ Doug

Happy Birthday Lizzie!

Happy 4th Birthday to Lizzie! It has been amazing watching you grow up and discover new things. I love to see things through your eyes! Your smile melts our hearts, your laughter fills the room with happiness, your creativity is amazing, and your hugs are priceless. You are very special to us and we love you very much!

Monday, May 28, 2007


It was a busy weekend! We did some geocaching and hit cache number 100. We found cache number 100 down by Memorial Field, in our old neighborhood, at a place we spent many hours in the summer, enjoying the lake, riding bikes, and just enjoying the area. We started caching last August, and it's been so much fun. My mom said she thinks we are addicted. I think I would agree, but it's a good addiction, at least. It gets us out walking and exploring. It has also led us to places we never would have gone or known existed if we hadn't been geocaching. We walked around Sportsman's Warehouse today looking for ideas for new cache containers and did find a couple ideas. Now, we just have to get them planted. We just placed our second hide this past week.

Mom's flowers are very beautiful right now. She has a sea of purple in the front flower bed.

Early Saturday evening, we went fishing at Sunnyside, or should I say that we practiced casting. I did catch two small ones, and Lizzie caught one, but that was all we caught. Hannah was with us in our boat, so I was helping her with her 'casting.' I put a big bobber on her little Nemo pole and kept throwing it out for her to 'wind in.' She doesn't reel, she winds. I was smart enough NOT to put a lure on the pole of a two year old who was determined to throw the line out herself. I thought her whole pole would end up in Pend Oreille, but it made it back to the truck at the end of the night. It did end up in my eye a couple times, but we all survived. We had hundreds of geese fly over us while we were out there, and one flock had 62 geese in it. What a joyful noise as they flew over and were all honking.

Sunday brought many showers and storms, and a 4 year old's birthday party. I can't believe Lizzie is already celebrating her 4th birthday. We had a princess party and there were enough presents for four 4 year olds!! Her mommy made her a beautiful cake, and we enjoyed a great dinner of smoked turkey that Vance smoked in his smoker and great family time. After the party, Thane and dad watched Flags of Our Fathers, while mom and I decided it was a bit too intense to watch before going to bed, especially if we wanted to sleep. I do plan to read the book, however. I did watch the last 20 minutes of the movie, and it was pretty emotional.

Monday morning was very wet and extremely cold! BRRRR, 40 degrees! The whole day was chilly and there was fresh snow on all the mountain tops. It sure didn't feel much like global warming to me!!! However, it sounds like we will be hitting 90 by the end of the week. Wow, my poor garden is going to be so confused. Our front yard is coming up really nice and hopefully by the time we celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary in three weeks, we will have a beautiful, lush green yard.

Memorial Day Update

Hey there

Well we are always there for our children aren't we? We could not imagine the loss of a child. We are spared from dealing with such a loss. Now it is a daily emotion to stand before a son that I can't help. He journeys this road not by himself but alone in the pain. I can only pray for his ability to accept his pain and condition. He is a great warrior and son. I am blessed to still have him here although at times, I feel guilty. I look around and see the living memorials of war and wars past. These men are so young with a lifetime to deal with their physical conditions, not to forget the mental war that rages on inside. Brandon is challenged everyday with these emotions. Along with the loss of his legs. The only thing that I can remind him of are the countless lives that he has saved because of his courage to travel down roads that are by design death to all who travel. This is our military, brave, honorable,loyal,compassionate,courageous and they are Americans made up many backgrounds and races. I am so glad I have met so many of these men and women. So I know that my son will walk proud and with a smile because he has saved lives. His pain someday will be understood as a reminder to those that gave their lives for freedom.

In Christ Doug

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Update on Brandon

From this morning~Brandons pain is still high. Many of the meds don't work. The staff is trying very hard to help get it under control. Many of the meds take some time to work. Others just don't work. So we pray for mercy and grace. It is hard to see people suffer. I see soo many people daily. It is hard to watch sometimes. My heart beats and reminds me of just who I am. I am a child of God I serve Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. I pray that my son would reach to Him. I know his pain would be changed to that of peace. I think of you all often and pray for your peace also.

In Christ Doug
This evening~Seems like it has been a better day for him. He has been resting for the better part of the day. Hopefully soon things will turn towards the better for him and others here. You can't imagine the scope of the wounds that are being treated here. The point is that the medics are doing a wonderful job at getting these guys home. Now we have to do are part and be ready for them all.

In Christ Doug

Friday, May 25, 2007

Brandon Update

Brandon will remain in ICU until he can be taken off the meds that effect his heart and breathing rates. They are slowly increasing his meds that have helped others with they're break through pain. Phantom pain is the hardest pain to get a handle on since they really can't pin point its origin. So we try meds that have been used in helping others with they're pain. I hope that soon it will start to work for Brandon. Sometimes sooner for some and for others much longer. Lets keep on praying for him to reach out to God for his healing of his pain. We are truly grateful for your prayers.

In Christ Doug

Thank you Brandon, for your service to this country. Thank you for giving of yourself to defend my freedoms. You are a true hero!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Remembrance and Thanks

It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag. - Charles M. Province

The story of America's quest for freedom is inscribed on her history in the blood of her patriots. ~Randy Vader

The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree. ~Thomas Campbell

We have enjoyed so much freedom for so long that we are perhaps in danger of forgetting how much blood it cost to establish the Bill of Rights. ~Felix Frankfurter

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. - John Stuart Mills

If you are ashamed to stand by your colors, you had better seek another flag. ~Author Unknown

Those who won our independence believed liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty. ~Louis D. Brandeis

Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. ~Thomas Paine

Thank you to those who paid the ultimate price in keeping this country free. You are not forgotten. Thank you to the many men and woman who have fought over the years to give us the continued freedom that we so enjoy. Thank you to those who continue to fight for this country. You are all appreciated and thought of with honor and respect.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Whether or not we realize it, each of us has within us the ability to set some kind of example for people. Knowing this, would you rather be the one known for being the one who encouraged others, or the one who inadvertently discouraged those around you? ~Josh Hinds

We are all teachers, whether we think we are or not. There is always someone watching us, looking at our lives and how we respond to situations. If you are a parent, your kids learn from you how to respond to life situations and often mirror that response. I have worked with teens for 17 years, and I know they do the same to me. We all need to look at ourselves and see if we respond or react when life challenges come about.

Every day you teach people about God. You may teach Truth or you may teach falsehood; either way you teach. You teach others that God is faithful or that he can’t be trusted, and you do that by reflecting faith in God, or by behaving as if he can’t be trusted.

We become teachers when we tell, show, reflect how God is working in our lives, and we become teachers when we respond, act, walk as if Jesus himself were living through us. By watching you, others will see what “Christ in you” looks like in another human being.

You need to know God’s Word before you can teach it through study or by living it. By hearing, reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating on the words of Christ, they’ll take root in your heart, and this will make you wise.

God’s wisdom over conventional wisdom – Too often we look to the world’s conventional wisdom when we’re seeking answers, yet the Truth is found only in God’s wisdom.

When others look at your life what do they see? Love, acceptance, joy, peace or hate, judgement, unrest, and chaos. You are an open book to each person you come in contact with; what are they reading about you?

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

So let the peace that comes from Christ control your thoughts. And be grateful.
Let the message about Christ completely fill your lives, while you use all your wisdom to teach and instruct each other. With thankful hearts, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. Whatever you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks to God the Father because of him. Colossians 3:15b-17

And the Scriptures were written to teach and encourage us by giving us hope. Romans 15:4

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Found While Geocaching

This gave us a good laugh! Anyone else confused?

Monday, May 21, 2007

Brandon Update

Brandon is in ICU. His meds are at the level where he needs that constant watch. We had sushi tonight. He has requested a steak. I'll cook one for him when he moves out of ICU.His wheel chair was brought to the room today. His eyes were as if he was looking at his first car. In many ways it is. So he looks to his freedom again. We are walking forward. Keep on praying. It works!
In Christ Doug

Caching Event

We attended our first 'event' for geocaching this weekend. It was called the Flash Mob Event. It lasted 15 minutes and was kind of fun. We met a bunch of new people and were able to put faces with geo-names. It was a very cold morning, so not many showed up, but it was still fun. Afterwards, we did a few caches on our own. The one thing I really love about geocaching is it takes us to places we probably would have never discovered on our own-parks, pretty drives, monuments. One cache took us to a monument at the Kootenai County Courthouse, honoring all those who have served our country. If you haven't been there, and can get there, I recommend taking some time to go and remember. It was Sunday morning, at 9:30, so Coeur d'Alene was still quiet, which was appropriate to take time to read the many monuments and give thanks to God for all who have served our country to preserve our freedom. Thank you to all who have and who still are serving our country to keep this a free nation. May we never forget.

"...that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis

Red is for the blood. Blue is for the bruise. White is for the eyes that fought for me and you. Lift your hearts today, filled with gratitude and praise, for the Veterans of the USA.

Freedom is never free. ~Author Unknown

Updates on Brandon from weekend:

Saturday night-Brandon was moved today to a new room. Its a two man room. He is very awake now. He continues to try to deal with the pain. He feels pain in the legs and feet. Phantom pain is real but very hard to make go away. His meds are not causing him to see things now but, his pain is higher because he can't take certain pain aids. Infection is still being looked for.His temp goes up and down. His cultures are coming back negative. So keep on praying! Its a long road to recovery! It has been extremely tough to keep regular hours. So my sleep although I am sleeping is at best good. I am continually ministering to others. The Gospel is rich throughout this place. The families are trying very hard to be there for their families and sometimes you just need to stop and cry so we too can heal.
In Christ Doug

Sunday night-Brandon needed to go back to ICU Sunday night. His phantom pain is very high. He needs to be watched as his dose of meds. go up. Otherwise he really tries to enjoy himself. He says hes a midget now. I told him not really because he will grow again. He wants to thank everyone for your prayer and love. He said," We need it!"

In Christ Doug and Brandon

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Welcome Kingsley

We have a new family member this week. Our nephew Josh and his wife Nakisha had a little boy late Wednesday night. I can't believe Josh is a dad, because it makes me feel really old!! He used to spend part of his summers with us from the ages of 10-13, and we have a lot of great memories from those times. We traveled around to watch him wrestle throughout high school and were always proud to be there watching him. We look forward to meeting Kingsley, and letting him know how lucky he is to have been given a dad like Josh.

This picture is of Josh, Kingsley, and Josh's mom, Cathy.

Congratulations Josh and Nakisha!

A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on. ~Carl Sandburg

When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. ~Joyce Brothers

Friday, May 18, 2007

Update on Brandon

Hey Folks

Brandon has a possibility of infection. He has a temp increase daily. There is discharge also. A close eye is on him. They would like to move him out of the ICU environment. Many many germs there. Keep on praying!

In Christ Doug


Isn't it amazing how one person's words can tear us down. We can be going along, feeling good about life and ourselves, and BAM someone makes a snide comment or rude remark and we believe the lie and we repeat that lie over and over in our heads. As we grow up, we find that the little rhyme we learned as kids, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, is just the opposite. It would feel better sometimes to have sticks and stones hit us instead of others words because they are much more painful. We let those words ruin our day, consume our thoughts, and make us lie awake at night thinking about it, instead of taking that thought captive and listening to what God says about us. Why do we do that when we know deep down that we are a better person than they say we are and that we are God's children, whom he chose? What can compare to that? The creator of the universe chooses you and me to be his kids! So, why do I let what one person may say to me tear me down and doubt myself? Why do I believe the lie when I have been chosen by God? I know I am going to work on it and instead of believing the lies and repeating them over and over in my head, I am going to work on repeating the truth of God's word over and over in my head. Wouldn't we be so much better off if we can take the hurt and cast it aside, and we had God's word so deeply embedded in us that we became transformed in our minds and thoughts and reactions and we only cared about what we do for him, not man who is never satisfied? God loves each of us so deeply that we cannot comprehend it. He has picked us to be his kids. Think on that today.

1 John 3:1 What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we're called children of God! That's who we really are. But that's also why the world doesn't recognize us or take us seriously, because it has no idea who he is or what he's up to.

But you are God's chosen and special people. You are a group of royal priests and a holy nation. God has brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Now you must tell all the wonderful things that he has done. The Scriptures say, "Once you were nobody. Now you are God's people. At one time no one had pity on you. Now God has treated you with kindness. 1 Peter 2:8-10

We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Brandon Update

Brandon was sitting straight up when I walked in this morning. He had all his bandages undone. He looked at me and smiled and said, "Good morning Pops, What's for breakfast?" I went down to the chow hall and grabbed are morning breakfast.
The Doctors are wanting him to be moved out of ICU. They are encouraging him to go up to the floor with the other guys. There he will start the basics. He'll learn how to get in and out of bed, bathroom use and so on. He is willing and looking forward to moving towards his recovery.
All the staff is amazed at his will. So many times they have to really push people along. With Brandon they are having to keep a close eye on him. The bed has become a jungle gym for him.
Yesterday a couple of soldiers with like injuries came and visited Brandon. It was amazing to see Brandon sit up and respond to their presence. We stepped out of the room and let him talk with his fellow soldiers. All of them were just filled with joy for each other. Soldiers in arms never forgotten.
In Christ Doug & Brandon

Day of Remembering

Two years ago today, my beloved Gram passed away. My Gram was someone who was happiest when she was helping someone. I think the majority of her self worth was wrapped up in her family and how much she could help others. In her last few years of life, she got so she couldn’t do as much for other people and it made her sad and many times she felt like she didn’t have much of a purpose, but she did. Her purpose was that she was my grandma. She loved to bake and cook and until she no longer was able, she would make meals, pies, brownies, and cookies for her neighbors and she delighted in sharing. Anytime I was sick, she would make me chicken soup. There is nothing that cures a person like their Gram’s chicken soup! Gram loved to laugh. She loved to do crossword puzzles, watch game shows and her ‘stories,’ she loved flowers. She loved to do embroidery on towels, pillows, quilts. She made amazing embroidered quilts for her daughters, grandkids, great grands. She made quilts to give to the community-to churches, pregnancy crisis center, families in need. My Gram loved her daughters and ‘sons’, granddaughters and ‘grandsons’, great grandkids, and her two great grandchildren, whom she never met, and took great delight in her family. She loved little kids and would talk to all she came across in church, restaurants, and stores. She beamed from ear to ear when she was able to hold a baby. Gram was always full of advice. There were times I didn’t appreciate her advice, but now I really miss it. I miss her tremendously and can’t believe she has been gone for two years. She was always there when I needed a hug. Now when I need a Gram hug, I wrap up in one of the precious quilts she made for me. My sister finished up two quilts that she started for kids, but my sister made them for mom and I and called them Arms of Love. They are just little quilts we can wrap around us when we need a Gram hug. She always had a smile for me, and if I was down, she would try to cheer me up. She was a strong German woman, with lots of pride and she would always admit she was stubborn, but part of her stubbornness is what kept her going as long as she did, I think. She died of an aortic aneurysm, and her doctor in ER at Kootenai Medical Center told her that she would not live for more than a few hours. Gram told him that if God wanted her to live, He would let her. The doctor said something about her and her God, and my Gram, even though she was in tremendous pain, got that little smirk on her face and twinkle in her eye as she looked at him and said 'well, we will see.' Gram lived another five or six days. The doctor told our family at one point he couldn’t explain why Gram was still alive. Not only was she alive, but until her final day, she was alert, still giving out orders, and surrounded by family. There is no way to explain it; it was God proving he was more powerful than the doctors!! I miss Gram, but I know I will be with her again because we share the same faith in Jesus.

Love those you are with because you never know when your time, or their time, is through. Don’t live with regrets or I should have said this or done that….do it, say it, love each other.

The Father wants all people to honor the Son as much as they honor him. When anyone refuses to honor the Son, that is the same as refusing to honor the Father who sent him. I tell you for certain that everyone who hears my message and has faith in the one who sent me has eternal life and will never be condemned. They have already gone from death to life. John 5:23-25 (Contemporary English Version)

And this is the way to have eternal life—to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth. John 17:3

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dad's Blog

My dad has joined the blogging world. The link is off to the right on my page. Dad's blog is called Into The Wild Ministries, and he will soon have a web page to follow, so keep a watch out for news on that. He is also doing speaking engagements for different men's groups. Maybe soon he will decide to write a book on all his outdoor adventures!!!

God's Creation

9You are good to everyone,
and you take care
of all your creation.
10All creation will thank you,
and your loyal people
will praise you.

Psalm 145:9-11 (Contemporary English Version)

The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself. ~Henry Miller

Let the whole earth sing to the Lord! Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. 1 Chronicals 16:23

It is a golden maxim to cultivate the garden for the nose, and the eyes will take care of themselves. ~Robert Louis Stevenson

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Today's update on Brandon

Hey Everyone
Today Brandons wound has been closed! If no infection happens he'll be on his way.I took a tour of the New physical fitness building for the injuried soldiers. He will be taken care of in the most state of the art complex we the people have to offer to a wounded soldier. I even was able to watch limbs made for his fellow countryman. I have met with others who have been wounded in a like manner as Brandon. If I may say these men make it look easy! Many left their homes as young men and came back as great men. They are the pinnicale of courage, honor, patriotism. Something that becomes infectious as you are honored to walk among our military men and women. I am humbled to be in the presence of such sacrifice. The men and women that still are in the war zone need their countries support. Always prayer, then for us to send a clear message to congress that no matter our personal feelings that we stand in support of these men and women our military!
In Christ Doug

Virtues to Live By

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek His grace. And then when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest. ~Max Lucado

What a great way to sum up the life we should live. I must say I fail at it, but if I strive to live with those virtues, I am a better person, and those I come in contact with will be better off, too. The main thing is to try, and to not beat myself up if I do fail, but to keep trying and to know at the end of a day that I've done my best.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Another update on Brandon

Brandon is doing well. Trying to get thru surgeries. His SGT MAJOR came and visited! Really enjoyed the time spent with him. Brandon had his Purple Heart pinned on him by the SGT MAJOR. It was a great moment for these two soldiers. Soon I will have pictures to post. Brandon's SSGT Maddox is here also. They were both in the attack. Brandon was the gunner and Madddox was driving when they were attacked. SSGT Maddox suffered a broken back during the attack. When we found out that SSGT Maddox was here at the same hospital I was ordered by SGT Adam to find his fellow soldier and friend. It was awesome to walk into the room with someone so close to Brandon. I showed him Brandon's pictures when he received his purple heart. His heart came out in the form of tears. Please send (email) me letters of appreciation that I can forward to these soldiers (his unit). They need to know that you're behind them. Our media is trying so hard to ruin this country of ours and these soldiers don't bend a knee to them! United States of America, hence the word united. Let it be the truth that we stand as Americans United! Our troops believe in America and what the stars and stripes stand for. These men are my sons legs! Join them.


Update on Brandon and the weekend

Brandon is doing well today, he is in surgery. His legs are being washed. If they are able too they will close up the wound. He is having bad dreams from the meds.They are doing a nerve block today for him. So hoping this will manage his pain so he can get off the meds! There are so many stories here about the others. Just when you think he has it bad around the corner comes strength. Seeing the courage of these people, some hurt, another that tends to the hurt. It really brings home the humanity in all of us..selflessness. I hope too be counted someday amongest these great people.

In Christ Doug and Brandon

We were in Sandpoint for the weekend. My sister and her girls and I took mom to lunch on Saturday, to avoid the crowds. We were harassed by Sherri at Slate's, which I must say, I miss so it was nice to see her. After eating, we went to the mall and Lizzie and I hit Yoke's and bought some food for lunch the next day, mini roses, cards, and had a lot of fun trying to hide the rose when mom, Jolene and Hannah came back from Penney's. Lizzie tried as hard as she could to cover the red and white striped roses with her little arms, and I'm sure mom and Jolene did not see them at all before we returned to mom and dad's home. Thane had a Mother's Day tea with his mom at the place she lives, so were went our seperate directions and got back together later in the evening, when we all enjoyed some Second Ave. Pizza at mom and dad's. We were blessed with seeing so many old friends, kids from our old youth group, and family. Unfortunately in the midst of all the activity of the weekend, I forgot about Marianne Love's book reading at Vanderford's. It was from 1-3, and at 2:55, I remembered! Sorry Marianne. I truly was looking forward to dropping by and seeing you and getting your new book. I will just have to try to catch up with you next time we are up there, although I will wait until things stop smoking around your house, just in case it is contagious.

We also enjoyed a cold trip to the mountains yesterday with all of our family. We had fun finding mushrooms, enjoying the beauty around us, and just having more time with both our moms (and dad, nieces, sister and brother-in-law.)

It was a great weekend and it was nice to return home and see that our grass has sprouted and that we have a soft green fuzz across our front, soon to be, yard!!

Our prayers continue to be with Brandon and his family.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

The older I grow, the more I realize what an honor it is for me to have a mom like you. My appreciation for you grows with each year. The lessons and values that you have taught me are the gifts I will treasure always, because you modeled them through your actions and your words. You are not only my mom, but my friend. You are always willing to lend a hand and your arms are open when hugs are needed. You have a giving heart and you put everyone's needs before your own. I am so blessed by God that he gave me a mom like you and so greatful for a mom who extends her love and care in so many ways. Thank you for being there with a listening ear and for your care and compassion in our lives. I pray for God's richest blessings for you. I love you, mom. Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to my mother-in-law, Ruth. Thank you for the gift of your son. We love you!

Friday, May 11, 2007


Today's update from Doug:

Today I am traving to Brandons side!

Please send emails to Brandon. I do not know when he will get to read them, but it will be great to have his inbox flooded when he does open them. He uses the underscore in his address sapper_ 19 At see what I mean.

Oh Father, I ask for your strength as I see my son. I ask that You Oh Lord, will stand as a pillar of truth. I ask Father that Your holiness shine with the hope and peace as I stand before Your son. I ask now Lord that you let me stand in You so my son will trust in you only. And all God's people said,"AMEM!"
In Christ Doug

Psalm 103:13, “As a father has compassion for his children, so the Lord has compassion for those who fear him.” (NRS)

Psalm 51:1, “Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love. Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins.” (NLT)

Isaiah 30:18, “But the Lord still waits for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion.” (NLT)

Jesus told about a rescue hero, also. There was a man who was traveling down the road one day when he noticed a hurting neighbor who had been robbed, stripped of his clothes and left for dead. Unlike others who ignored him as they passed by, this man saw the injured victim and was moved with compassion. He bandaged his wounds, took him to an inn and got him the care he needed.

Jesus told this story to show what compassion looks like. But, it was more than a story He told, it was a story He lived.

With never-failing love and compassion Jesus became our rescue hero. He had an aching awareness of our injured hearts, our sin-wrecked lives and our need for His forgiveness. He couldn’t just walk by. Instead, He came to our side. With outstretched hands He offers to heal our wounds and give us the care we need.

The bible tells us that even when our hurts and our stuggles consume us, or our responsibilities, jobs and failures overwhelm us, God’s love is greater. His compassions never fail.

I love that Jesus didn’t just tell us to love, He showed us how to love - by loving us first. He told us to love sacrificially. Then He demonstrated by sacricing His life for ours. He told us to be there for others, because He was and is there for us.

So, whether you need more of His love or feel called to give His love away, remember the same compassion that brought Jesus near over 2000 years ago moves His heart toward you today.

No matter what you need, He offers healing for your hurts, comfort for your concerns and rest for your tired soul. No matter what you face today or tomorrow, His compassions will never fail. They are new every morning!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day In Review/Update on Brandon

Update from Doug on Brandon:

Brandon has been down graded from critical to stable. The drugs are having their way with his mind. He is reliving Iraq. No infection! I will travel soon to him. Karen and I have made up are minds that we moving to Texas to be with him. I have left work preparing to go. Karen will return to closeout her business. Then we will have a better idea of time frame. I want to write the story of this soldier and his unit. They are the most amazing picture of humanity. This is why God put the camera in my hand. Its a story of love, compassion, loyalty, friendship, honor and at its center is God. You have all been casted in this story because of your love for these guys. See a soldier and share your appreciation for them! In Christ Doug


We have been having wonderful spring weather! The flowers are beautiful and the warm temps feel so good. I am not very patient, however, and wish our yard would hurry up and sprout. I keep looking, but it's still just seed sitting there. It's been four days, what's taking so long!! haha This is definitely a lesson in waiting for me. As I drag the house and sprinkler around the front yard, I keep wondering why we didn't put a sprinkler system in. Yesterday morning, I was getting ready for work, and was out dragging it around and trying to correctly adjust the sprinkler. I set it down and as I did, the sprinkler flipped right in my face and drenched me. My neighbors across the street were sitting in their porch swing and as I glanced up, they had their hands over their mouths and I could tell they were trying really hard to wait to laugh until I at least turned around, which I appreciate. Fortunately, it was quite windy so I dried off fast.

Of course, I had to take more pictures of my flowers before they quickly fade into a beautiful memory. We also enjoyed another magnificient sunset last night. I must say that the prairie sunsets are pretty stunning. Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Today's thoughts

Busy, busy days this week, and I really enjoyed this devotion from today, so thought I would share it. Great advice for us to follow, make a happy file!

The Happy File
Luann Prater

“Be joyful always.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16 (NIV)

It wasn’t what some would call a perfect day, but to her it was special. We had spent the day together just hanging out around the house. Simple things like lunch on the deck, soaking in the sunshine, and giggling over funny memories traced the outlines of our shared moments. That’s when she whispered a few words as if she were telling herself a secret, “This day is going in my Happy File.”

She explained that her Happy File was a record kept of God’s simple blessings, those moments in time that beam with a little extra spark. You know the ones. When no one else would get it, but whenever you recall it… you smile. Her collection was spilling over the top.

Often we choose to hang onto the bad memories. We relive the abuse. We replay piercing words. We carry the guilt and hold on to the shame. We forget the promise of Romans 8:1, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (NIV). No condemnation. Period, nada, zip, none!

She found the Happy File very helpful when darkness came creeping into her life. Satan loves to fill our minds with negative thoughts and trip us up with stumbling blocks. A stash of happiness works like a flashlight in the middle of the night. The evil one can cloud our world with gloom, but when we open the file that holds God’s blessings, the shadows are shattered.

So what are you choosing to keep on file? Here is the deal. Start a collection of Happy Files! God’s fingerprints are all over each day. Look for them! Record them! Recall them!

Next, pull out those old musty files that have collected guilty dust and shameful mildew. One by one as they come to your mind plunge them into God’s thought-shredder. Second Corinthians 10:5 instructs, “Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (NIV). When you say this verse out loud, something amazing happens! The thoughts go away! God longs to give you freedom from guilt, shame, worry, and anything else that hinders your ability to be joyful.

When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can begin daily to rid your mind of the garbage Satan has dumped on you and replace it with Happy Files. Then you truly can BE JOYFUL ALWAYS.

Application Steps:
Get a package of index cards that are spiral bound. Begin to record “God moments” on them. Keep this Happy File where you can easily grab it in case of unexpected darkness.

What gloom am I allowing to hang over me?

How can I walk in the light of God’s promise every day?

Why am I resistant to let go of the past?

Power Verses:
Psalm 68:3, “But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.” (NIV)

Isaiah 55:12, “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace.” (NIV)

Psalm 40:1, “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.” (NIV)

Romans 4:20-21, “Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.” (NIV)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Brandon update

We received numerous email updates from Doug yesterday on Brandon. Karen arrived in Germany, just in time to fly back to a Texas hospital with Brandon. Today's update from Doug is:

Brandon will undergo surgery today to clean up wound. More info about that tonite folks. It is a bit different then we had thought. When they found Brandon he was dead. No pulse. His body almost emptied of his blood. His boys sent letters to him expressing their love for him and that no one else had been injured. Karen said that he was constantly asking about his unit. He told the doctors to fix him and that he intends to return to Iraq and finish what we have started. It is his choice they said. They could not stop from doing so! Go Army!! Jesus spared Brandons life. He gave it back to him. Raised from the dead to walk in Him again.
In Christ Doug

If you want to contact Brandon, his email address is His dad is encouraging people to write encouragements and often.

Thanks Brandon, and all others who serve our country for your willingness to put your lives on the line for this country and for me! You are more appreciated than you will ever know. God bless each of you!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Weekend Rundown

It was quite a weekend! We got our front yard in thanks to dad bringing down his tractor. Thane, mom, and dad made quick work of it. I was inside playing with the nieces while their mom and dad went to hear Keven Leman speak on family and marriage. It was still quite cool out, so we stayed inside and played and colored until around lunch time when we ventured to the park to play. They loved the twisty slide! There were brief visits to the smaller slide and swing, but the twisty slide was their favorite. We all had a great time and I don't know about the girls, but I know I was worn out after the day of playing. We spent late afternoon at a picnic at our friend's home on the Spokane River, where the views were breathtaking. I didn't have my camera, but it was very beautiful and the food and company were great also.

We did find out that because of our wind, and just overall dryness down here, we are having to water the newly seeded yard four to five times a day! I think I am going to have to take a leave of absence from my job just to stay home and water so the grass sprouts.

We got up early Sunday and went to church and a dad of a kid who had been in our 5th & 6th grade youth group several years ago in Sandpoint came up behind us, which was a nice surprise as we hadn't seen him in a couple years. Doug and Karen live down here now, as well. He told us of his son, Brandon, who has been in Iraq fighting for his country, and on Friday night he was in an explosion and lost both his legs. He is only 21 years old. Please pray for him and his family. They all have a very long road ahead of them. Another young man from his brigade lost his life and one other is fighting to live, so please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers.

Mom and dad left midday on Sunday. Thank you so much for all your work on our yard! Now we have to conquer the backyard. Thane and I decided we just needed to unwind a bit after the busy weekend, and the news of Brandon, so we went for a drive around Hauser and Newman Lakes. We saw six deer, a pheasant, many geese and ducks, and other birds. It was a great way to unwind and we very much enjoyed watching the little yellow fluffball goslings with their parents!! Our dog Maddie's favorite part was watching the deer as they darted back and forth in front of our truck, running down the road, up the hills, and across the river.

It was a long weekend, with a lot of things accomplished, good times with family, tears shed and prayers lifted up for Brandon and his family, and a nice time to just enjoy God's creation at the end of the day. I think it's time to get to bed and get ready for the week ahead!

Friday, May 4, 2007


Joy increases as you give it, and diminishes as you try to keep it for yourself. In giving it, you will accumulate a deposit of joy greater than you ever believed possible.

There is a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is more about our circumstances, but joy penetrates our hearts and lives, and goes beyond our circumstances. If we choose to allow it, it is ever present in our lives, which doesn't mean that we are always running around happy, but if we have joy, it has a place deep in our souls and we have a sense of peace in all circumstances. Joy is a state of mind, a sense of well-being no matter what we come up against. It's not a fake smile, or pretending life is great when it isn't, but it's knowing we can pull through. Too me, joy and hope go hand in hand. Joy isn't about things, it's about who we are and what is in us. It is living each moment we are given to the fullest. Joy shines through us for all to see, if we let it.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

Joy is prayer-Joy is strength-Joy is love-Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love. ~ Mother Teresa

Happiness depends on happenings, but joy depends on Christ. Anonymous

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May Day

May Day was a beautiful day! The temperature on our thermometer showed 73! It was gorgeous. I got the day off from work, so decided to go out to Hauser Lake to look for goslings. I pulled in to the boat landing and dock and it was empty so I let Maddie out to go for her first swim of the season, except for her brief visits in mom and dad's backyard pond. I was leisurely strollng along the shore looking for a stick to throw for Maddie, walking her on her leash, enjoying the yellow-headed black birds sqwacking in the reeds, watching an osprey and numerous ducks fly by, when I finally spotted a stick. I picked it up, and Maddie got so excited, she bolted to the water, dragging me behind! I'm yelling at her to stop as I'm trying to get my hand out of the loop of her leash, but she kept running with a huge smile across her face. I finally got my hand out of the loop, just as we hit the waters edge. My feet and the bottom of my jeans got a bit wet, but not too bad. Of course, after she got out from her 20 minute swim, she shook all over me, jumped on me with her muddy feet, and got me almost as wet as she was. This would not have been too bad, but I was heading to Coeur d'Alene after our lake visit. I decided to dry off a bit, so I drove around the lake to see if I could find any goslings, and saw quite a few at a distance. I also enjoyed seeingblue herons, a couple of grebes, many mallards, and on the way out there was a coyote in a field hunting mice.

While in Coeur d'Alene, I went to Camera Corral and took another plunge. My zoom lens has seen better days and the motor in it is really acting up, so I went in to check on a new zoom. The price wasn't too bad, at least if you are a camera buff, and I would be upgrading from a 100-200 zoom, to a 75-300, so I tried to keep justifying the price for the upgrade. I called Thane and talked it over with him, and fifteen minutes later was back making my purchase. After arriving home, I had to see how well it worked so took pictures of my May Day Flowers.

Thane came home from work and wanted to try to go fishing. It was clouding up and a little breezy, but we thought it would be fine to run out to Hauser and give it a try. We should have taken a hint from those with big boats who were coming in, but we didn't. We even had a lady who was holding her boat while her husband got their truck and trailer, tell us they just got beat up so bad out on the lake they had to come in. They had a big fishing boat, with a cover and rocking chairs inside, and two motors on the back, unlike our 12 foot aluminum boat, just big enough for the two of us. We put our tiny fishing boat, with oars, out in the lake. It was quite windy, and very cold, but we braved it. We had on every coat in the truck and were still freezing. The wind got worse, and we started to drift straight towards some angry geese who were not happy that we were coming closer to them. We decided it was too cold, and it just wasn't worth tipping over so went back to shore before we had to call may day to get some help because we had capsized and had angry Canadian geese chasing us because we got too close to their babies.

On the way home, the moon was rising over the mountains in Coeur d'Alene. When we first got to the highway, it was huge, but there wasn't anywhere with a good view to pull over to take a picture. Once we got back to our neighborhood, it was still beautiful, so snapped a few pictures. What a beautiful end to another wonderful day.

Self Evaluation

Laugh at yourself. You will always be your greatest source of humor. Don't ever take yourself so seriously that you can't find humor in the things you say and do.
Isn't it great to watch little kids and see how they haven't been ruined by what they are supposed to think and supposed to do in life, but that they just enjoy life and enjoy being who they are. They do silly things and laugh at themselves because it was silly. They enjoy discovering new wonders all around them. My niece, Lizzie, spent the night with grandma and grandpa last night. I was just talking to mom and they were outside planting flower seeds. Lizzie got very excited and mom went over to see what she was looking at and it was a slug, but unlike mom, Lizzie thought it was a really neat discovery. Mom just saw it as a predator to her flowers and told Lizzie she would have to squish it. Lizzie asked why so mom explained that it eats all her plants. Lizzie seemed to understand but still said she liked to watch it. Kids just have a different take on life and it's too bad we lose that somewhere along the way. I am challenging myself today to look at life through a kids eyes and to really enjoy creation (except knapweed, slugs, mosquitos, and wood ticks!) and to look at it as if I'm looking at it for the first time and to get excited about it. I'm also going to laugh at myself, and not take life so seriously because it's just too short to not enjoy it. We have a choice to make each day-to be bitter or angry and make others not to be around us or to enjoy life, be happy and be a pleasure and a blessing to those around us. I'm going to try my best to be the blessing to those I encounter along the path of life.
It is of practical value to learn to like yourself. Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship. ~Norman Vincent Peale