Friday, August 29, 2008

Shoes & Birthday

First of all, I would like to wish my sister a very happy birthday. I am blessed to have such a special sister in my life, and to share a wonderful friendship with her. Happy birthday, Jo!!
A sister is one of the nicest things that can happen to anyone. She is someone to laugh with and share with, to work with and join in the fun. She is someone who helps in the rough times,and knows when you need a warm smile. She is someone who will quietly listen, when you just want to talk for a while. A sister is dear to you always,for she is someone who is always a part of all the favorite memories that you keep very close to your heart.

I just got back from the mall. I'm not a mall person, so when I go, it's a rare occasion but I needed some new shoes. I found a great pair of Dansko's and even got a break on the price! At least the gal at Homestead helped me out. I had tried a one other places close to the Valley Mall before that, and finally was asked if I needed some help, and I told the guy what I was looking for and all he said were a couple brand names, then walked off. Gee, thanks! There's only twenty of each of those shoes, but I guess I was just supposed to figure it out. I went in a couple other stores, and no one waited on me, and I wondered what has happened to customer service! It was nice to be almost pampered at Homestead Birkenstock!

My new shoes!

While in the mall, I almost fell over the railing as I was walking along. I looked up to see a man well in his 60's, possibly 70's, dressed in four inch black stiletto heals, a cowboy hat, extremely short shorts, a ladies hot pink button down shirt, and believe me it was buttoned down so much that all the hair on his chest stuck out, and more makeup than I've ever seen anyone wear! I couldn't help but stare, and I had a really hard time not busting up laughing. I wondered if Candid Camera was hiding somewhere but I don't think they were, unfortunately. So this is what I miss by not going to the mall more than once a year! I wanted to pull out my camera phone and take a picture so I could post it here, but I did exhibit a bit of tact. I'm not sure when you are dressed like that, that you deserve people's tact, however. It would have been bad enough if a woman was dressed like that, and had on that much makeup, but a man made it even worse! I think someone should call Stacy London and report a What NOT to Wear fashion emergency! Besides, his feet have to be killing him!

His shoes!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Embarrassing Moments in the Wood Stove Adventure

The adventures in getting a wood stove where numerous throughout the day. I worked on my laptop and went through address labels for the middle school ministry at church. I also worked on a couple publications. One thing I found out that you don't necessarily want to hear as your walls, floor, and roof/ceiling in your bedroom are being cut up are 'hmmm...that's not quite right,' after the saw just finished running! Evidently, things were okay because the work on the chimney installation went on, all day!! I really hope we didn't pay by the hour because it took longer than they expected because of our trusses.

The most adventurous part of the day for me came when I showed the two guys the basement and where the stove was to be put, then the closet that the pipe would run through up in our bedroom. As I mentioned before, we don't have a chimney in the house, so they had to install it. I had to clean out my side of the closet so I took my clothes, shoes, bags, blankets, pillows, and containers that were on my side of the closet and PILED them in my office area, thinking that they were using every other room in the house, except the upstairs bathroom, so my stuff would be safe hiding away in my room. As they finished up looking in the closet, they started to look up at the vaulted ceiling in our bedroom. Now, remember, they had been in the house about two minutes. One asks me, 'Where's the attic?' I got a very nauseous feeling in my stomach and said 'The attic????' "Yes, we need to access the attic." I start thinking what if I pretend we don't have one?????? But, I can't lie about it. I was trying to play dumb and just stood there, thinking that if I didn't answer, maybe they would stop asking. " you HAVE to use it," I ask. I look at the two guys, who obviously aren't finding me terribly amusing, and they say yes they need the attic. We have never been in our attic, and honestly I couldn't remember for sure where the entry to it was, so as we are walking out of the bedroom to the little hall, I am praying that the attic entry is in our hallway, however, it was not. I just stood there at the top of the stairs, and the one guy says to me that the entry is probably in the other room. Yes, I had that thought by now! I wanted to ask them if they could just climb up the heating vent, I mean it's the same size as the attic entry space! I turned and looked at them, and said that I would check in the other room. I opened the door, and there it was, right inside the door, right before Mt. Junkouttamycloset rose from the floor. I was horrified. I turned around and could feel my face turning beat red. I tried to explain away the stuff and was apologizing like crazy, but I'm sure they were equally as horrified as I was when they saw the room! I mean, this room is never spotless. It's my space to work on the computer, my photos, and my crafts. It has a lot of books, craft equipment in roller carts, a table, and my desk. This is the room where all my creative juices literally spill out all over the table, desk, and shelves, and sometimes the floor. Of course, as I opened the door, I could see it had spilled out on all the above, in deep, deep piles. As if it wasn't bad enough that these two guys saw the mess, the owner of the company stopped by to check on their progress, and then another worker stopped by to help them get the stove in the house, so the horror show continued throughout the day, as more guys paraded through the house to see the gigantic, tornado-like disaster area. I really believe that they were texting pictures, telling others to come check out Mt. Junkouttamycloset.

I had planned to work in that room all day, behind closed doors, first on things from work, and then I wanted to play with Photoshop, but instead I was in the living room and kitchen area all day, cringing every time I saw one of them go in that room. I mean, our basement is far from organized as it has been a storage area for the past couple months for somethings we need to get through, but it's the basement. I wasn't thrilled with how it looked but could live with it. However, my space is upstairs and is a big deal to me. One thing I can guarantee is that some serious organizing is about to take place!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Stuff

This morning we will be adding a new feature to our home. We will be adding a wood stove very similar to this picture. It's a pretty big ordeal, since we don't have a chimney in our house. They are coming to put in the chimney and the stove this morning, so hopefully the rain doesn't fall too long or too hard. Apparently, I have to lose part of my closet space for the chimney to go up from the basement, through my closet, up through the roof. Since gas heat is going up, again, it will be nice to save on heating bills and to have that nice, warm wood heat. Plus, if the power is out, we will be able to have heat, unlike now where we could freeze if there is a power outage in the middle of winter! Of course, in order for us to actually stay warm, we need to get more wood. We only have about a cord and a half, and will need at least four cords to make it through the cold season. I can't believe we are already at that point, but the weather the past couple days has certainly felt like Fall. It's amazing how fast it went from 107 degrees to 64 degrees for a high temp! It definitely feels like it could frost anytime, so I am keeping a close eye on the weather forecast so I can try to save my tomatoes for awhile longer, since this is the first week of actually getting a nice harvest.

Speaking of new things, I was at Costco today and bought myself an early birthday present-Photoshop! One more thing to add to my addiction! I have other photo programs but haven't been terribly happy with them, so usually I don't do much photo editing on my pictures. I've been wanting to step up some of my photographs as far as special effect editing and adding pictures into different projects, and now I can. My hubby wasn't too thrilled with me, because he had planned to buy it for me for my birthday in a couple weeks. I told him he can wrap up the box and I will act surprised!! So, I guess while the stove and chimney are being installed, I will be playing with my new program and trying to figure out all that I can do with it. It looks like it could be a lot of fun and terribly addicting.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Some may look at this picture and only see a weed. I look at it and see the extreme details that God took time to put into a weed, a thistle. If God takes this much time to create beauty in a weed, how much more time does he take to make us beautiful, in all ways? He created humans in his image, so take time to see how beautiful you are, how God made you to reflect himself. Look at the extreme details that make up our bodies, and praise God for being fearfully and wonderfully made!

So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Psalm 139:13-16

Monday, August 25, 2008

Wedding, Wood Getting, Wee One

It was a full weekend with everything from a wedding to wood getting to hanging out with all our family! We attend a wedding of someone who has been special to us since we met her when she was ten years old. Now, she's all grown up and married! She looked beautiful! We were all taken off guard for a moment when, instead of walking down the aisle with her dad, her dad picked her up and ran down the aisle with her! But then again, if you know her dad, it's not surprising that he would do something memorable.

After the wedding, we hung out with my mother-in-law for awhile, and we took her out to some delicious pizza, that's well worth the wait!! The nieces decided to spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa's with us on Saturday. We had a lot of fun with them, and ended up with one as our bunk mate. On Sunday morning, we went up to get a load of wood, and had one of the niece's tag along. The other went with Grandma and Grandpa and her mom in the SERVE SANDPOINT project that different area churches participated in around the community. They went out and weeded a garden and yard, while my brother-in-law joined a bunch of guys who cut up wood all day to give to others.

As you can see, we had a helping hand in getting our load of wood! Most of the time, we dodged the hornets that kept coming after us. The two of us also went for a little walk up the road, while my hubby was cutting up the wood, and we got to see Mountain Bluebirds, several swallows, and a lot of entertaining grasshoppers, also known as her 'little friends.'

As usual, the time with family was special. It was nice to spend some time with everyone, and it was nice to spend some extra time with the wee niece up in the woods.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fair Day

I went to the Fair, and it rained, hard! It also hailed, and thunder and lightning shook the area for a bit. We didn't get to ride the horse-drawn wagon, nor did we make it through the barns to see the animals. We mainly hung out in the wildlife building and the main building. My nieces were disappointed, to put it mildly, but we will be up again on Saturday for a wedding so maybe we can take in some of the Fair before the wedding. I did get to see some familiar faces and visit a bit. There were even a couple blog reunions with Slight Detour, of course, my dad, and a nice talk with Mangy Moose's mom, daughter, and niece. Her mom, my mom and sister, and myself shed a few tears as we talked about how much we missed Mangy Moose. We all know she's in a better place, and is better off, but that doesn't take away the fact that we all miss her! Her daughter carried on the competition with Slight Detour in cookie baking, and she told us that they tied with blue ribbons. Congratulations to both!! I wonder which one will be buying the ice cream?

Despite the rain, it was still nice to be at the Fair, see some familiar faces, hang out with family, and get to see my parents on their anniversary. A day with special people is all it takes to make a day a special day!

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo

It is no use to grumble and complain;
It's just as cheap and easy to rejoice;
When God sorts out the weather and sends rain -
Why, rain's my choice.~James Whitcomb Riley

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Day to Vent

Okay, it's a day to vent a little. Yesterday was a fun day to try to get around the area. Highway 41 was, and still is closed, part of Mullan is closed in Post Falls, and other roads are ripped up. What I love to see is how one person actually works, and six stand around watching. We even pay for one guy to just sit in his truck on Mullan and Greensferry behind the giant road closed barrier. He doesn't do anything but sit in his truck!! Mullan has been ripped up for the entire Summer, and I wonder when they plan to get it finished because, instead of finishing what they already have ripped up, they are now ripping up more! Ahh, tax dollars hard at work!

Another thing that I think our tax dollars are being wasted on is the Duncan trial. I understand that in this country everyone is presumed innocent until proven otherwise, but how much proof do we need to convict someone? Why does the Groene family have to relive this horrible nightmare over and over?

Speaking of taxes, seems the government wants to take a closer look at ours from two years ago. We sold our house that year, and gave extra money to our the church building fund and they don't seem to be too happy about it. We also had too many medical expenses it seems. Yes, I will agree, we had too many medical expenses that year, but they are all legitimate, unfortunately. I didn't think you were supposed to get those letters if you used turbo tax!

Okay, now that I've vented some, I need to focus on having a good time at the Fair. Hopefully the weather is nice at least part of the day! I will have fun anyway, because I will be with my nieces.

Today is my parents 43rd wedding Anniversary, so I want to wish them many more happy years together and congratulate them on a long, happy marriage.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Rainy Day Thoughts

It's raining outside, so I guess it's a good day to work inside, since my house has been deprived of a really good cleaning the past couple months. It's been picked up and had the basics done, but hasn't had a good, deep cleaning. Maybe this rainy day is a good day to read a book, since I have a pile of them that I was going to read over the summer and haven't done that yet. It could be that this rainy day is a good day to take a nap! I'm still sleep deprived from the Olympics, although I almost quit watching the gymnastics two nights ago, after the US was robbed of the gold medal. Seems those gymnastic judges need some glasses, although they did better last night in being FAIR in judging.

Speaking of fair, I am trying to decide which day to go to the Fair. Both Kootenai and Bonner County have their Fair's starting today. I think one is still free, so that will probably be the one I attend. Plus, I get to see people I haven't seen in a year and visit with them. I will take my nieces with for added fun, and see the Fair through a kid's eyes. I can't believe it's already Fair time. That definitely means summer is almost over. It seems it just started! Either time is going faster than I think, or we had much too short of a summer this year! Maybe it's a little of both.

"God made rainy days, so gardeners could get the housework done."

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This video goes with today's post, but couldn't get it to embed correctly in the post!

Guests, Storms, Creation

Our nieces came home with us after the family gathering on Saturday. They went home last night. We had a lot of fun, shared a lot of laughs, and hopefully made a lot of memories. We didn't do much outside since it hit 106 on Sunday, and 103 yesterday, but we did go shopping, bowling, and out for dinner. The bowling was on the little kid lane, where you use the tiny ball and tiny pins that are connected to a string. It was funny to see their 6'3" uncle bowling this way. Personally, I did better than I do with normal bowling!!

The girls left last night right before the storm rolled into the area. First, the winds started and with it, came extremely heavy smoke and dust from the area fires. The smoke was so thick, we had to shut all the windows in the house. Next, came wind so hard I thought all the siding was going to rip off our house. It was literally shaking our entire home, and our little pine tree out front was bent in half. We lost electricity for a bit, which we have only had happen once since living here and that was when lightning struck the transformer. We have underground lines, fortunately, so we are generally with power when everyone else is without. The rains followed next, but the lightning went to the west of us, so we only got on the edge of that part of the storm. This morning, things are considerably cooler, but quiet, with a heavy gray blanketing the area. As I look out the window at my tomatoes, they look like they are beat up, but that, at least for the most part, they survived. As I was reading the weather watch for two inch hail, I kept praying for God to protect my tomatoes! It looks like He did, to which I am grateful!!

One thing is for certain and that is that God definitely shows Himself to us all the time, but do you see Him? Who else could cause the wind to have such force, the lightning to put on such a display, and then cause it to be calm within a couple minutes? Much like my friend over at Aspire to Lead, I don't get how people can look at all the power and majesty of creation, and say there isn't a God who created all this, that it was a cosmic accident, or it 'just happened.' All creation points to God. He makes mighty storms, majestic waterfalls, tiny ladybugs, delicate flowers. He's in it all because He made it all. Look for him today as you look around you.

God's power is unlimited. He needs no teachers to guide or correct him. Others have praised God for what he has done, so join with them. From down here on earth, everyone has looked up and seen how great God is--God is more than we imagine; no one can count the years he has lived. God gathers moisture into the clouds and supplies us with rain. Who can understand how God scatters the clouds and speaks from his home in the thunderstorm? And when God sends lightning, it can be seen at the bottom of the sea. By producing such rainstorms, God rules the world and provides us with food. Each flash of lightning is one of his arrows striking its target, and the thunder tells of his anger against sin. I am frightened and tremble all over, when I hear the roaring voice of God in the thunder, and when I see his lightning flash across the sky. God's majestic voice
thunders his commands, creating miracles too marvelous for us to understand.
Job 36:22-37:5

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Family Gathering

It's probably been 25-30 years since those of us that were around at that time have all been together in one place. On Saturday, we all got a little more reacquainted with each other as we spent six to eight hours together. We had a family get together with my parents and our family, my uncle and his family, my aunt and her family. The ages ranged from three to seventy-five. Part of the get together was to celebrate my aunt Donna's 75th birthday. Part of it was just to get reacquainted with one another. The younger generation didn't even know who part of the relatives were, which is scary since some are at dating age! We certainly don't need any of the family tree to miss a branch along the way, that is for sure, so glad we got the cousin introductions out of the way with them!! haha Our summertime family gatherings used to always ensure that a nasty water fight would break out sometime during the day. On Saturday, however, despite 96 degree temps, the water fights never really broke out until it was almost time to go, and very little retaliation was had by those who had water dumped on them. It could have been that it was so hot, no one cared, or that we've all aged so much that no one felt like chasing each other around the yard. One of my cousins sat on the deck in the shade for an hour saying he really wanted to dump water on different ones, or toss them in my sister's pond, but aside from him pouring a little water on my dad, his sister, and probably a couple others who got in the way, it didn't go much past the talking point.

The day included some badminton, a lot of talking and laughing, too much food, a ball on the roof, and a few canoe rides around the pond by some of the younger generation trying to find bull frogs because my uncle was offering $1 a frog so he could take them home to put in his pond. My cousin's son sat beside me and kept asking 'now who is that? How are they related?' I had to take everything back to his grandma, my aunt, and take the family tree out from there. I don't know that he ever figured it all out, but I think he was amused at all the new found relatives he has. The three youngest in the bunch had a great time playing all day, and for part of the day, they were the smart ones because they went inside the log house where it was cool to play.

One of my cousin's, who is a faithful reader of my blog, is scared to read what I may write on here today. I was tempted to put on a really funny picture of her on here, but no one tempted me with a dollar bribe so I will leave it off. (Inside joke!)

The day was full of many wonderful memories that will be cherished throughout the years. I hope we have the opportunity to all meet again like that soon, and share more laughter and build more memories.

Ball Retrieval

Okay, I got the ball, now how do I get down?

Two aunts (sister-in-law's) sharing a laugh


I don't even want to know what was being said with this bunch!

Water fight number 1

Hey, times are tough. A dollar a frog is a tough way to make a living, but they are young and need all the financial help they can get!!!

The youngest of the bunch

"Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present and future. We make discoveries about ourselves." Gail Lumet Buckley

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~Jane Howard

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Image Bearer

Created in the image of God, we are meant to brim over with creativity. Yes, that means you. Don't tell me you're not the creative type. I'm not talking right-brain-versus-left-brain drivel. I'm not talking about account types versus actor types. All image-bearers of God were intended to overflow with effervescent life, stirring and spilling with God-given vision. . . .

Our imaginations were fashioned like wicks to be ignited by the fire of fresh revelation, dripping with wax that God can imprint with His endless signatures. He writes in fonts and shades we've yet to see, telling us who He is and what He's capable of doing. In the light of Gods face shining upon us, we also glimpse reflections of our true selves. We were meant to see ourselves as part of something so much bigger than we are. Something vital. Something incredibly thrilling. ~Beth Moore

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer Days

These images are of our backyard. Our paver patio is very close to being finished!! This bed is brand new, as well, and the cosmos in it have grown into trees! The one is so large it is completely covering a geranium, a mini dahlia, several alyssum, and some petunias.

We ate our dinner out on our almost finished paver patio tonight. The realization that summer is winding down kind of hit me hard, when at 7:50, it was starting to get dark! All I can say is yuck!! Summer seems to have been very short this year, especially since we had snow on June 10. In my estimation, summer should not end until November this year.

Speaking of summer, these summer Olympics continue to rob me of sleep. I realized tonight I've been so wrapped up in the Olympics every night that I missed the peak of the meteor shower. We always enjoying going out and enjoying the show that God puts on. One year, my hubby had a kidney stone, so at 3 am we went for a drive out of town and the meteor shower was unbelievable. That particular year, the northern lights put on a great show as well, and once we got out of town, we got out of the car and stood in what looked like a canopy of lights. The northern lights totally surrounded the sky above us, and meteors shot through this canopy. It was something that cannot be described unless you were there, other than phenomenal!

Since summer is rapidly winding down, make sure to get out and enjoy. It sounds like it's going to be quite hot here the next few days, but there isn't much of this season left, so go take advantage of it! Grab some water, find a shade tree, some fresh veggies or fruit to munch on, a good book, and soak in some summer memories!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The trouble with nearly everybody who prays is that he says "Amen" and runs away before God has a chance to reply. Listening to God is far more important than giving Him your ideas. ~Frank Laubach

Isn't that quote so true. I have been praying about a certain situation for a few days now, and I must say that I have given God plenty of my ideas through the process! As I kept praying and then taking everything back into my own hands, instead of allowing God to work, I would get anxious, and start to doubt. The few times I prayed and let it stay with God, instead of taking it back and trying to figure it out on my own accord, I had a great peace about me. Somehow, I forgot that peace and spent part of the weekend trying to work through the situation, mainly relying on self and filling my head with doubts, and almost driving myself to a backwards white coat because of worry, stress, and what-if's. Before going to bed Sunday night, I prayed and turned it over to God, and I left my worries and stress with Him. When I awoke on Monday morning, I knew God had taken care of the situation and I just had to be obedient and follow through. I had a great peace about the decision I had laying before me and knew the course I had to take. After the final decision was out there, I felt like a weight of bricks was taken from me and I thanked God for being faithful to help me even though I wavered back and forth, back and forth before finally letting God have control.

We have a great God. Let Him help you today. Give Him your worries, fears, and doubts and let Him keep them and listen to what He may be telling you. God speaks to you in many ways-through another person, through the Bible, through a situation, through a peace that comes over you, or in contrast, that doesn't come over you. Be willing to listen to Him and see what He has to say to you today!

I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for he speaks peace to his faithful people. But let them not return to their foolish ways. Psalm 85:8

Monday, August 11, 2008

Think Before You Speak

The Olympics are robbing me of my sleep! There was no way I could go to bed last night when the US men's swim team was going against France, who said the main reason they were there was to crush the United States. What an exciting race, and what an exciting win for the US. France pointed out how words need to be weighed out before being said. We all need to watch our tongues, and not get arrogant or filled with pride. The thoughts and attitudes that live in our hearts, come out in our speech, and can either hurt others or make us look foolish. If our hearts are filled with hate, then that is what we say to those around us. If, on the otherhand, our hearts are filled with love, then others feel that as we talk to them. We must think things through before we say them. Think how much less hurt there would be in the world if people just held their tongues instead of blurting out whatever comes to their minds, and spewing that ugliness all over the recipient of their words. Think about your words today before you say them. Maybe it's a good day to do a heart check and see what is living in there-hurt or blessing, unrest or peace.

The road of right living bypasses evil; watch your step and save your life. First pride, then the crash— the bigger the ego, the harder the fall. Proverbs 16:17-18

Sharp words cut like a sword, but words of wisdom heal. Truth will last forever;
lies are soon found out. Proverbs 12:18-19

Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:44-45

Friday, August 8, 2008

A Day at the Hospital

I got up early this morning to go to Spokane to be with a friend before her surgery, and sit with her hubby and mom during the surgery. I hadn't met her mom before, but in three and a half hours of sitting in the waiting area, we got to know each other.

In one of the waiting rooms we were in, we met a decorated Veteran. He has served in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. He told us about some of the different things he did in each war, and his son chimed in that his dad and his unit had been featured in Time magazine because of the lives they saved on a certain mission. The story didn't get finished because more family came into the room, but I must say it was an honor to meet this man. I thanked him for his service as I left, but felt like thank you was far from enough to say to this three-time war veteran! I also felt humbled by his presence and grateful for men and women like him who have helped to keep this country free.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day Up North

Yesterday I went to Sandpoint for my dad's birthday. After twenty minutes on the Long Bridge, I must say my patience was tested. I even said in a fairly loud voice out the window once, SURE GLAD YOU DON'T NEED A BYPASS IN THIS TOWN! There was a non-ending line of cars, and so many semi-trucks, the line had to be backed up to Westmond!! As I sat there, excited when I got to move at the pace of 2 mph, I thought that if Starbuck's were smart, they would put a shop out on that little pull out area, where the walking bridge starts to head down to the ground. Think of how much money they could make, as everyone is backed up on the bridge!! After finally making it to the corner of First and Superior, I headed to the back route, only to find it was blocked by big trucks unloading things for The Festival. All I kept thinking was how much I really miss trying to get around that town. I picked up my sister and nieces, headed to our parents, and once everyone was ready, we headed back to town where we overstuffed ourselves on a great lunch at the Hydra. We took dad and the nieces home, and let grandpa have some quality time with his granddaughters for his birthday, and mom, my sister and I went shopping. We hit Super Drug and I got to see many faces that I haven't seen in a long time, which was really nice. One thing I miss down here are seeing all the locals and getting to chat while shopping. Yes, there are a lot of times when I see people in Costco from up North, but it's just different to be in the local stores and see local people. The three of us had a great time, and the long-time clerk in the store noted that as we checked out. She said how we kept laughing, and checking out all the sale items, and having a good time. We also hit Starbuck's, where first, they hit the wrong key on my mom's chai and it ended up a double chocolate latte, which they told us to just take. We took that back to dad. My sister is not a coffee drinker, so she ordered an iced steamer with hazelnut. Not sure what she ended up with, but it was STRONG coffee! I'm sure she is still buzzing today. She was adding cocoa to it to try to get it to taste better, but then she would get a pure clump of cocoa in her mouth and would really get a funny look on her face. We had a lot of laughs, and lots of good memories. Even with the delay of traffic trying to get into Sandpoint, it was a great day!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Today I want to wish a happy birthday to my dad!

My dad has taught us how to stand up for right and wrong, to have values and morals in our lives, to always do an honest days work, and to follow God. He has shown us the importance of family, integrity, and faith. He is not only dad, but a great friend. Today, we are very grateful for the gift we have been given of a great dad. We love you, dad!

"You don't become a hero because of what you do, but because of who you are."

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Unexpected Blessing

Life holds so many simple blessings, each day bringing its own individual wonder. ~John McLeod

Over the weekend, we purchased a laptop computer from a friend heading off to college. We've been wanting a laptop, but not wanting the steep price. So, this worked out great. I now have powerpoint again, so am very excited. I love to work with powerpoint, and look forward to the opportunities where I can use it again for presentations. Mastering the laptop mouse is a work in progress, but we will get there.

Yesterday I went in search of a carrying case for the laptop so we can protect it. I looked in a lot of stores, and kept finding bags with hefty prices, but not great protection for the computer. My last stop brought me to an office store, where their bags were very nice, and what I was looking for, but too spendy. I resolved to check the thrift store for a used bag. However, as I was walking out of the store, I saw the clearance section and there were a couple computer bags there, so decided to check out the prices. I found one bag that looked like it had been drug across the floor, and was in desperate need of cleaning, but it was a great bag, just what I was envisioning! I thought it must be so cheap because it was dirty. When we got married, I got my wedding dress on a very good sale because it had been worn at a bridal fashion show, and it needed cleaned, so I guess my brain followed that thinking. The bag had a lot of padding, several pockets, a strap so the computer could be strapped in, and it was black, not loud colors with flowers! I looked on the shelf to see the price, and got very excited because it was under $20! I took it up to the cash register and the manager rings it up and tells me $65.97, please. I just looked at him. I said it was on the clearance rack and the shelf said it was $19.93. We walked over to the shelf and I showed him what I believed was the price. After breaking the codes on the tag, we found out that went to a laptop backpack, and it was already sold out. The clearance price on this bag was $45. He asked if I still wanted it and I said no. He offered to take half off the regular price, and I was thinking about it because it is a really nice bag, and from what I've seen in the $25-$35 range, it was definitely worth it. As I was contemplating the deal, he says 'oh, forget it. I will just give it to you for the $19.93.' With wide eyes, I replied 'really?' I guess it pays to have the manager wait on you sometimes. I thanked him probably ten times before leaving the store. After that, I thanked God for the unexpected blessing. I hope someone came along and blessed the manager's day, that he was shown some act of kindness as he extended to me.

How have you been blessed lately? Do you only look for the big things, or do you see blessings in the little daily things of life? How are you blessing someone else's day? Sometimes, just letting someone go ahead of you in line at the grocery store who only has one or two items is a great way to give a little blessing. Sometimes just smiling at a someone can bless a horrible day. Offer up acts of kindness as you go about your week and see how much better YOU feel as you do it.

Blessings we enjoy daily; and for the most of them, because they be so common, most men forget to pay their praise. ~Izaak Walton

Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver. ~Barbara De Angelis

How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Special Bond

It's been a long, busy week with camp. Camp went well. We had a lot of good times, and God did some great things throughout the week. Shortly after arriving, and unpacking, I walked down to the shoreline of the Pend Oreille River, and the first thing I saw was an eagle soaring overhead. I sat down there and watched it for a good twenty minutes, enjoying the peace and quiet, before the kids arrived on the buses. Each morning, I walked down to the shoreline to look for that eagle again, except this time with my camera, but it didn't appear. The last morning I was there, I was setting up for a very large wacky Olympics/relay game, and looked up to check the sky as it looked like rain, and there appeared an eagle, and then another one. Two eagles soared over the field I was standing in and flew from one end to the other, from the river to the tree line. I thoroughly enjoyed their majesty and the gift God gave me of seeing them, but again, didn't have a camera.

God seems to get your attention more when you are away from the everyday distractions of life. We had very, very limited cell reception, so the phones weren't ringing. There is wi-fi, but only our youth pastor and the tech team had a computer. The only music was provided by teens playing their guitars around camp and The Adam Cappa band, and there was not any tv. There was plenty of noise as happens when you have 150 kids in an area. But, in the afternoons they were busy playing on the four story slide, in the water on the water trampoline, jumping on the BLOB and shooting each other high in the air and landing in the water, climbing both the rock wall on land, and the climbing wall in the water, swimming, playing paintball, skate boarding, playing soccer, swinging, and climbing on the ropes course. But, in the quiet times, those times when I was by myself or with others but it was more quiet, there were some great God moments. There were great God moments in the noisy times as well. I got to meet some great kids, build better relationships with kids I already knew, and make deeper friendships with other leaders, both adult and teen.

I did miss my hubby. We have served together in ministry since before we were married and it was strange to not have him at something I was at, doing ministry side by side. God has definitely bonded us closer together because of the ministry we've done for all these years. It's a bond that cannot be described or explained, I guess. I think it's a deeper love, a mutual reliance on God and each other to make it through each day, each trial, each victory. It's definitely a blessing and that was made very clear to me this past week. I think I've taken it for granted for so long, that it took us being apart to truly understand the unique bond we share. I am thankful to God for all these years of ministry, and for walking side by side through that ministry with my best friend, my husband.