Tuesday, October 5, 2010


As far as I am concerned, no words are needed to go with this video. 

Story behind the song:
‘Hallelujah’ is a really special song to me. About a year after my infant son Caedmon died, I was sitting on the floor, I had my husband’s guitar, and I was just kind of strumming. He had shown me 3 or 4 chords, and I was just sitting there, and I was in such a place of brokeness. I wasn’t mad a God and I wasn’t questioning God, but I had really just made a decision to keep an open dialogue with God; not just inside, but coming out of my mouth; because I know I’m not fooling him. I think that’s something like when you read about David in the Bible where he’s really giving his heart to God through his mouth. I think God likes that… He likes that relationship. I think the cry of it, saying ‘Hallelujah’ and saying ‘even in this place on a floor with a guitar crying out in a blubbering mess I’m still going to say Halleluiah, and I’m still going to say that I love you, and I’m still going to want to glorify you in anything and everything’ and me just being able to say ‘through all that I can stand because of God’ is powerful. Maybe somebody can look at that and say ‘So can I!’ you know? Maybe they haven’t been through the loss of a child, but everybody has something. I’m convinced that every person on this planet has something that’s either happened to them, or they’re going through now, or they’re going to go through in the future that God needs to reach them, and they need to be able to say ‘God, I give it up to you.’  ~~Heather Williams

More on her powerful life story here.

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I read this this morning. Great reminder as we head into a new year. You have been equipped by God to endure this life.  He has bui...