Monday, February 23, 2009

A Day Geocaching

We had a beautiful day here on Saturday! The sun was out and the temps were right around 40 degrees. My hubby and I decided to take in the beautiful day and go geocaching. We haven't been caching in a very long time, and have both missed the fun and adventure of it. Geocaching is like treasure hunting with your gps. It's a lot of fun, and takes you to places you would never have found. We have discovered some really neat areas while out geocaching. We loaded up the car with all all geo stuff, the dog, and ourselves, and spent the entire day out caching. It was a lot of fun. Now that my hubby has a laptop because of his new job, we were able to look up the caches while we were there, instead of having to run them off on paper, or write down important details, plus I was able to log our finds immediately. Wow, it brought a whole new level to the caching experience! We enjoyed the warm sunshine as it beat down on us throughout the day. We enjoyed the sights and sounds at the Spokane River. We found out that there is a little girl in the Coeur d'Alene area who has planted a lot of caches all over the place, some pretty easy and some are quite challenging! We even planted a new cache in the Post Falls area while we were out. Mostly, we just enjoyed being together. Nothing can compare to spending a full day with my hubby, enjoying the outdoors together, laughing, and just being blessed to spend some quality time with each other, making memories.


MarmiteToasty said...

Me and me lad dabbled in geo-caching whilst in Maine about 18 months ago, I mean, we did LOTS of geo-caching, it was just one of the most fun experiences.....

Hopefully Im gonna get me lad a GPS for his birthday so he/we can do it over here, even though its not such a big thing, but we did notice that here, even in our little village there are a few hidden caches :)


Washatawa said...

Interesting article on Geocaching!


I read this this morning. Great reminder as we head into a new year. You have been equipped by God to endure this life.  He has bui...