Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Brandon Update

Well he has been working very hard at PT. He fell on his right leg, in his words it really hurt! He said that he landed on the end of his bone. They were practicing getting in and out of his wheelchair. He went down from the chair when he landed wrong. He is already being shown to the other soldiers as a example of the strength that should come with hard work. To all out there that aren't an Adam, you won't find our strength in our muscles but in our minds and in our determination. We only see victory, so are physical strength follows as a result of our mindset. Brandon comes from a great legacy of fore fathers. An one day he will also be a father and live out his ultra ego thru his sons. Until then I say Run Brandon Run! Love the Lord with all your heart mind and soul brother! Pray without ceasing Amen!
In Christ Doug

Busy week, so will catch up on blogging later. Thanks for checking in, will post in a couple days.

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I read this this morning. Great reminder as we head into a new year. You have been equipped by God to endure this life.  He has bui...